

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

5 Strategies For Changing Careers To Mobile Marketing

Millions of people dream of running their own businesses. The ailing economy has made this even a more urgent priority. The freedom that comes with owning a business is enviable. More so if the business is one that is operated from home like mobile marketing. Besides that, the ability to chart your future when you have a profitable business is refreshing. For people who are salaried and get stuck on how to transition, here are some tips.

1. Identify your niche.

Maybe you want to provide SMS service, Apps or Content. Perhaps you are thinking of being a virtual assistant, consultant or advertising personality. This is an important decision to make because it will help you focus your energy on specifics. Identifying your niche will also aid in better marketing efforts directed at the right audience. Your 'elevator speech' will also be more refined.

2. Reduce your expenses.

You will need to be honest and analyze all your expenses to the penny. This will help you determine on what you can cut back while your business is in its infancy. Expenses like mortgage, taxes, insurance have little leeway. However, items like credit card interest, entertainment, subscriptions can eliminate or heavily reduced.

3. Consider moonlighting.

With obligations, possibly a family to feed and personal commitments, it is difficult to jump from salary to solo overnight. However, if you work on your business at night or during you spare time, over time it will grow to enable you resign without fear. If you have an employer who can accept your hours, then you can adjust your working hours to get adequate time to market your business during the day.

4. Craft your marketing plan.

It doesn't have to be complicated but, needs to be detail enough to help you focus your energies. Your plan needs to answer simple questions like: How will my business make money: How will my business be marketed? How will it be positioned? What kind of fees will be levied? These are the questions that will help you be focused in your actions each day.

5. Manage fear.

This is what kills most people. The fear of losing money, friends, comfort, or certainty is dangerous. It is no doubt legitimate for anybody to fear. Even Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Barack Obama have fears. However, when your fear takes control of most of your actions, then this is a recipe for failure. Have faith that things will work out as planned, but work tirelessly to make it happen.

Mary Wilhite is a Mobile Marketing Specialist, also known as the Mobile Marketing Queen. Teaching small businesses, entrepreneurs, and internet marketers how to attract better customers with mobile marketing devices. Get her newest book today. Just click here http://www.amazon.com/Mobile-Marketing-Bible-1/dp/1466426101/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1320573064&sr=8-1

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How To Experience Great Photography With Your Android Phone

Uploading photos to Flickr, Facebook and the rest has never been easier because you don't have to tag along your camera everywhere you go when your phone can turn into a high end camera. You always have your phone with you but not your camera, and that should not deter you from taking photos at any given time or place.

The challenge certainly would be to deliver good photos from a device originally made for chatting. But no worries - with a few tips in hand, you can enhance your photo taking skills and improve their appearance then joyfully share them.

Right, your handset could handle various situations with ease, although it can't take every sight you run into. The little image sensor yearn for light, and does most excellent outdoors, in daylight. To get best results, practice the same recommendation that photographers have maintained for decades: Sunlight should be the prime source to your photography. Let the sun be behind you or above on of your shoulders. Shooting directly looking the sun only drastically underexpose your subject.

Leave the camera's automatic white balance control as it gives great results. However if the colors appear blurred, set the balance to accommodate the ambient light such as daylight, fluorescent or sunset. Remember to reset it to automatic once you are done so that your future photos don't appear weird.

Taking a good snap isn't merely about knowing the right settings, but composing your photos as the pros will ensure that they do not look just like any other photos: by dividing the screen into thirds and pretending there is a tic-tac toe board then placing the subject on one of the lines as opposed to the middle of the screen can make the photo appear professional. A tilted horizon will ruin a nice photo so be sure to keep the camera level and also ensure that nothing is 'cropping out' of the subject's head in the background.

Some android smartphones have shutters that delay after release so know if your model does that. Your android phone may have its shutter release on the touch screen and only when you lift your finger, and not when pressed down will the capture of the shot take place. Whichever way it happens, hold the phone steady and do not jab at the screen as the shake will make the photo blurry.

For enhancing your photos, there are apps for that sole purpose and also try and play around with the camera's adjustment settings to see what suites your taste. For now enjoy your close up, 'click click.'

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Five Surprising Tips For Selling To Big Corporations

Most mobile marketers dream of bagging a big corporate account. These accounts have a continuous flow of assignments. The scope is normally well-defined and the assignment has clear goals. In addition, big institutions pay better that small startups and the account maintenance expense is minimal. However, most marketers make basic blunders in trying to sell to Fortune 500 companies. Here are 5 tips that can help you land a big corporate account:

1. Do your homework.

You must know your prospect well. You need to know what mobile marketing services the prospect is already using that you might be able to provide. Find out who is providing the services; the scope and extent of provider. Your homework may also extend to understanding the company strategy and the importance they attach to mobile marketing. This prepares you for the next phase.

2. Have a stunning 'elevator pitch'.

In 30-60 seconds you should be ready to explain what you do and why you're a better alternative. The homework you have done about the company should help you tweak your pitch. Zero in on the weakness of the competition and the needs of your prospect. And if this resonates well with your prospects, you get the job.

3. Do not show desperation.

Your financial and pricing can be used to judge the extent of your desperation. When big companies are satisfied with your capabilities, the next thing they do is look at your financials and pricing. If they investigate your credit and see you are in the red, they may decline to give you business. If you quote 70% less than the current service provider, this may show desperation. The key is to put your finances in order; price your services within the comfort zone of the prospect. Too much or too low is uncomfortable.

4. Make sure you have the capacity.

From your research you may have seen that your prospect sends thousands of coupons or text messages to clients per week. You may also have notice the extent of advertising that is involved. Big corporation prefer ongoing relationship and so when you look for business ensure you can deliver what is required in big volumes. In addition, if you can't deliver everything you make sure you know credible people who can help you deliver.

5. Take care of the small things.

Little things can turn off prospects. Things like a yahoo email address, a poorly designed business card or when you don't look corporate. Big companies like dealing with serious entities or people. If you are a-man-show and work from home do not make this too obvious. Have you outward correspondence show quality and authenticity.

Mary Wilhite is a Mobile Marketing Specialist, also known as the Mobile Marketing Queen. Teaching small businesses, entrepreneurs, and internet marketers how to attract better customers with mobile marketing devices. Get her newest book today. Just click here http://www.amazon.com/Mobile-Marketing-Bible-1/dp/1466426101/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1320573064&sr=8-1

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Researching graphene nanoelectronics for a post-silicon world

ScienceDaily (Nov. 10, 2011) — Copper's days are numbered, and a new study at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute could hasten the downfall of the ubiquitous metal in smart phones, tablet computers, and nearly all electronics. This is good news for technophiles who are seeking smaller, faster devices.

As new generations of computer chips continue to shrink in size, so do the copper pathways that transport electricity and information around the labyrinth of transistors and components. When these pathways -- called interconnects -- grow smaller, they become less efficient, consume more power, and are more prone to permanent failure.

To overcome this hurdle, industry and academia are vigorously researching new candidates to succeed traditional copper as the material of choice for interconnects on computer chips. One promising candidate is graphene, an atom-thick sheet of carbon atoms arranged like a nanoscale chicken-wire fence. Prized by researchers for its unique properties, graphene is essentially a single layer of the graphite found commonly in our pencils or the charcoal we burn on our barbeques.

Led by Rensselaer Professor Saroj Nayak, a team of researchers discovered they could enhance the ability of graphene to transmit electricity by stacking several thin graphene ribbons on top of one another. The study, published in the journal ACS Nano, brings industry closer to realizing graphene nanoelectronics and naming graphene as the heir apparent to copper.

"Graphene shows enormous potential for use in interconnects, and stacking up graphene shows a viable way to mass produce these structures," said Nayak, a professor in the Department of Physics, Applied Physics, and Astronomy at Rensselaer. "Copper's limitations are apparent, as increasingly smaller copper interconnects suffer from sluggish electron flows that results in hotter, less reliable devices. Our new study makes a case for the possibility that stacks of graphene ribbons could have what it takes to be used as interconnects in integrated circuits."

The study, based on large-scale quantum simulations, was conducted using the Rensselaer Computational Center for Nanotechnology Innovations (CCNI), one of the world's most powerful university-based supercomputers.

Copper interconnects suffer from a variety of unwanted problems, which grow more prominent as the size of the interconnects shrink. Electrons travel through the copper nanowires sluggishly and generate intense heat. As a result, the electrons "drag" atoms of copper around with them. These misplaced atoms increase the copper wire's electrical resistance, and degrade the wire's ability to transport electrons. This means fewer electrons are able to pass through the copper successfully, and any lingering electrons are expressed as heat. This heat can have negative effects on both a computer chip's speed and performance.

It is generally accepted that a quality replacement for traditional copper must be discovered and perfected in the next five to 10 years in order to further perpetuate Moore's Law -- ;an industry mantra that states the number of transistors on a computer chip, and thus the chip's speed, should double every 18 to 24 months.

Nayak's recent work, published in the journal ACS Nano, is titled "Effect of Layer Stacking on the Electronic Structure of Graphene Nanoribbons." When cut into nanoribbons, graphene is known to exhibit a band gap -- an energy gap between the valence and conduction bands -- which is an unattractive property for interconnects. The new study shows that stacking the graphene nanoribbons on top of each other, however, could significantly shrink this band gap.

"The optimal thickness is a stack of four to six layers of graphene," said Neerav Kharche, first author of the study and a computational scientist at CCNI. "Stacking more layers beyond this thickness doesn't reduce the band gap any further."

The end destination, Nayak said, is to one day manufacture microprocessors -- both the interconnects and the transistors -- entirely out of graphene. This game-changing goal, called monolithic integration, would mean the end of the long era of copper interconnects and silicon transistors.

"Such an advance is likely still many years into the future, but it will certainly revolutionize the way nearly all computers and electronics are designed and manufactured," Nayak said.

Along with Nayak and Kharche, contributors to this study were: former Rensselaer physics graduate student Yu Zhou; Swastik Kar, former Rensselaer physics research assistant professor; and Kevin P. O'Brien of Intel Corporation.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

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Journal Reference:

Neerav Kharche, Yu Zhou, Kevin P. O’Brien, Swastik Kar, Saroj K. Nayak. Effect of Layer Stacking on the Electronic Structure of Graphene Nanoribbons. ACS Nano, 2011; 5 (8): 6096 DOI: 10.1021/nn200941u

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

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A light wave of innovation to advance solar energy: Researchers adapt classic antennas to harness more power from the sun

ScienceDaily (Nov. 10, 2011) — Some solar devices, like calculators, only need a small panel of solar cells to function. But supplying enough power to meet all our daily needs would require enormous solar panels. And solar-powered energy collected by panels made of silicon, a semiconductor material, is limited -- contemporary panel technology can only convert approximately seven percent of optical solar waves into electric current.

Profs. Koby Scheuer, Yael Hanin and Amir Boag of Tel Aviv University's Department of Physical Electronics and its innovative new Renewable Energy Center are now developing a solar panel composed of nano-antennas instead of semiconductors. By adapting classic metallic antennas to absorb light waves at optical frequencies, a much higher conversion rate from light into useable energy could be achieved. Such efficiency, combined with a lower material cost, would mean a cost-effective way to harvest and utilize "green" energy.

The technology was recently presented at Photonics West in San Francisco and published in the conference proceedings.

Receiving and transmitting green energy

Both radio and optical waves are electromagnetic energy, Prof. Scheuer explains. When these waves are harvested, electrons are generated that can be converted into electric current. Traditionally, detectors based on semiconducting materials like silicon are used to interface with light, while radio waves are captured by antenna.

For optimal absorption, the antenna dimensions must correspond to the light's very short wavelength -- a challenge in optical frequencies that plagued engineers in the past, but now we are able to fabricate antennas less than a micron in length. To test the efficacy of their antennas, Prof. Scheuer and his colleagues measured their ability to absorb and remit energy. "In order to function, an antenna must form a circuit, receiving and transmitting," says Prof. Scheuer, who points to the example of a cell phone, whose small, hidden antenna both receives and transmits radio waves in order to complete a call or send a message.

By illuminating the antennas, the researchers were able to measure the antennas' ability to re-emit radiation efficiently, and determine how much power is lost in the circuit -- a simple matter of measuring the wattage going in and coming back out. Initial tests indicate that 95 percent of the wattage going into the antenna comes out, meaning that only five percent is wasted.

According to Prof. Scheuer, these "old school" antennas also have greater potential for solar energy because they can collect wavelengths across a much broader spectrum of light. The solar spectrum is very broad, he explains, with UV or infrared rays ranging from ten microns to less than two hundred nanometers. No semiconductor can handle this broad a spectrum, and they absorb only a fraction of the available energy. A group of antennas, however, can be manufactured in different lengths with the same materials and process, exploiting the entire available spectrum of light.

When finished, the team's new solar panels will be large sheets of plastic which, with the use of a nano-imprinting lithography machine, will be imprinted with varying lengths and shapes of metallic antennas.

Improving solar power's bottom line

The researchers have already constructed a model of a possible solar panel. The next step, says Prof. Scheuer, is to focus on the conversion process -- how electromagnetic energy becomes electric current, and how the process can be improved.

The goal is not only to improve the efficiency of solar panels, but also to make the technology a viable option in terms of cost. Silicon is a relatively inexpensive semiconductor, but in order to obtain sufficient power from antennas, you need a very large panel -- which becomes expensive. Green energy sources need to be evaluated not only by what they can contribute environmentally, but also the return on every dollar invested, Prof. Scheuer notes. "Our antenna is based on metal -- aluminium and gold -- in very small quantities. It has the potential to be more efficient and less expensive."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Friends of Tel Aviv University.

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Find Someone By Their Cell Phone Number - 3 Reverse Phone Lookup Awesome Benefits

I would say that nowadays not many people are aware that it is possible to find someone just by their cell phone number and the few people that already know this awesome technological service are unconscious of the incredible benefits that performing such a search can bring to them. Let's see some of the possible benefits that a reverse phone look up can bring to you.

1 - You Can Find An Old School Friend

Probably you had lost contact with a good friend you had back in your school days. It seems that everyone is moving to another state or even moving to another country. But if you are really interested to find someone by their cell phone number it is quite easy. Whoever wants to contact with old school friends can easily get in touch with them just by having their phone number. Ok, but let's imagine their phone number is no longer available. In that case you can perform a reverse phone lookup and it will provide you with some valuable information like where they live actually. This is an awesome service for anyone who wants to reunite with old school friends.

2 - You Can Stop Prank Calls Immediately

If someone prank calls you it is very likely that you won't be able to find out who was the author because even if you try to call them back they will just not answer. But when you have the ability to find someone by their cell phone number you can immediately discover who the prankster is and stop him right away. Besides the address of the caller, you also get to know their full name and much more information about them. So, the next time he or she tries to annoy you, you can identify them and embarrass them. It is guaranteed they will regret if they try to harass you again.

3 - Find Out If You Are Being "Played"

You have lots of authority at your finger tips once you know that you can find someone by their cell phone number. If you suspect that your partner may be "playing" you, then you don't have to worry no more because you can justify their strange behavior with relative ease. Besides, if you really want to know what they may be up to, then you can know it with a simple search. After that, you have evidence in your hands to deal with them.

Depending on your needs, you probably know by now that to find someone by their cell phone number is very easy and there are hundreds of reasons you may want to do it, besides the ones numbered in here. Just for the peace of mind alone, it is worth signing up for these useful online services.

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Friday, November 25, 2011

The History Of The Mobile Phone

When did you buy your first mobile phone, in the late nineties in the current millennium? One thing is certain: you were not the first. The evolution of mobile telephony began much earlier. In the eighties consumers already bought very expensive equipment. We are going to talk about the time from the first "heavy and huge mobile phone" until the time from modern smartphones.

The Motorola DynaTAC 8000X was the first commercial mobile phone. It was sold for the first time in 1983 in the United States. The first conversation with a mobile phone was made by Dr. Martin Cooper from Motorola with Joel Engel of Bell Labs on April 3, 1973. He used a prototype of the DynaTAC 8000X. The price for this unit was: $4,000 (taking the inflation in account).

In 1989, the revolutionary device the Motorola MicroTAC came out. Weighing 340 grams, it certainly wasn't the lightest. It was not only the first "flip' phone (a phone with a cover), but the device was also very small.

In 1993, the IBM Simon came out. It was the first smartphone and was sold for 1000 dollars in the United States. Now consumers could use a calendar, an address book, a clock, a calculator and a notepad. It was also possible to send e-mails and to play games. A revolution in those days!

In 1998 the Nokia 3210 was born. With his interchangeable front plates, T9 for SMS messaging and a built-in antenna, the phone was very popular. Its successor, the Nokia 3310, replaced the popular 3210 in the year 2000. There were a total of 126 million copies sold. The 3310 was one of the most popular phones ever.

The first phone with a camera was the Sharp J-SH04. This phone was released in November 2000 in Japan. The 0.1 megapixel camera was able to shoot images with 110,000 pixels. The J-SH04 was also the first device with a color display (256 colors).

The Nokia 6650 was not the first 3G phone but was one of the first phones that had a fast internet connection. Nokia released the device in 2002. The VGA camera of the 6650 was able to take pictures and could record videos.

The iPhone 2G (2007) was the first phone from Apple. The mobile operating system IOS, made it much user friendlier than other phones. Apple introduced the App Store, a store where users could purchase applications for their phones. "There's an app for that" quickly became a household name. Today there are hundreds of thousands of apps released. And this number is still rising.

Google also has its own mobile operating system: Android. In 2010, Google released its first mobile phone the Nexus One. Actually, this phone can do everything except doing the dishes and vacuuming your house. Watch videos, navigate, purchase applications, read news or play a game: it's all possible with the Nexus One.

These days there are several phones on the market like the Samsung Chat 335 with a QWERTY keyboard. Very useful if you want to type in messages very fast.

What does the future hold? Phones you can roll up? Phones without a battery? One thing is certain: mobile phones are here to stay. They are part of our daily lives.

For more information about the mobile phone please visit the Samsung Chat website.

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Recycling Nokia Handsets To Help The Environment

When I was looking for a store where they sell Nokia E72 phones I'd already made a resolution to recycle all my old cell phones. I was looking for a store that would do that or find other ways I could either help someone else or at least keep the phones out of the local landfill. Most of us are changing our mobile phones on a regular basis and if you're like me you have a drawer full of old mobile phones lying around collecting dust.

It turned out I had a number of choices. There are quite a few companies online where you can send your old mobile phones to be recycled. One in particular sends you on online coupon you can use at Best Buy, but it has to be an up to date phone to get the biggest credit. Many of my mobile phones are so old nobody wants them.

Next I found out that Best Buy itself gives you a credit for a used phone, but again the older the phone the less credit you receive and some of mine could have been classified as antiques. I also discovered that many branches of Best Buy also have recycling kiosks where you can recycle these older, obsolete handheld phones and other small electronics.

It turned out that during my search for the places that sell Nokia phones, I found my carrier had the best deal, and when my new phone arrived the box contained a prepaid card that I could use to send my last handheld phone away for recycling - but only one. What was I to do with the rest of them? I had a pile that belonged to me, my husband and two teenage children.

Then I discovered a local charity that works with battered women and children that gladly accepts used, working cell phones and chargers to give to women who are at risk. They are given a recycled phone to use in case of emergency, and were even glad to get the old cases and car chargers that went along with them.

So that's what I did, I returned my last cell phone to my carriers who sell the Nokia E72, took the rest of my more recently made cell phones to the battered women's shelter and recycled the rest, along with a pile of miscellaneous wires, old chargers and printer ink cartridges that were cluttering up my drawers to my local Best Buy recycling kiosk.

Find out more about ways to sell Nokia and information on effective methods to sell Nokia E72.

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iPhone 4 Repairs and iPod Touch Repairs

Apple hardware has practically taken over the world, and if you take a ride on any bus or train then this becomes very much apparent by the large number of people using the devices. In particular the two items that are bigger than anything right now are the iPod Touch and the iPhone 4. Two devices that have completely revolutionized the way we consume media, surf the web and contact our friends. However if they were accused of having a downside, that downside would very likely be that they were easily broken - and in particular the screen which is highly sensitive and which can crack very easily.

This then can very easily be jolted or broken and there are many ways in which they can become damaged. For instance if you should drop the iPhone or iPod and there are plenty of chances of this happening as the device is used so often. At the same time many of the apps you can download for iPhone actually make it more likely that you might damage it. Take for instance the app that aims to recreate golf by having you swing the phone in the same way you would the club - many people have found that they end up accidentally launching their phones as a result and shattering the screen. Another dangerous time for the iPhone or iPod is actually when it is in your pocket, when it becomes very easy to accidentally bash your leg against the corner of a table or something similar and thereby cause the screen to shatter.

This easily damaged nature means that iPhones and iPods of the various generations often require repairs of some sort. These services will often simply replace the glass that is in the iPhone screen so that it works again and this will prevent you from losing all of your personal data as well as from spending huge amounts of money unnecessarily buying a new device.

As well as fixing the screen, iPhone and iPod repair will also deal with the internal mechanisms which can also be damaged by a jolt or by getting wet for instance, as well as with software problems. The closed nature of Apple's software means that in the case of an error it is very difficult to get into the workings and fix bugs and this can leave you unable to take photos for instance or with a phone that is permanently crashed.

There are precautions you can also take to help you avoid these problems and these include for instance getting a cover for your iPhone. In particular a good cover will be one that is easy to grip which will help to keep it in your hand during large movements. Remember as well to somehow protect the screen. This can be more difficult as the screen is also the input mechanism, however there are many films and protectors that you can use to give your screen an extra bit of protection against scratches or cracks.

iPod Touch Repairs are always necessary to make sure that it is repaired and working properly. iPhone 4 Repairs are also necessary, as you use your phone constantly.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Vodafone Launches Cheapest Deals So Far for a Free Samsung Galaxy Note

The new Samsung Galaxy Note is one of the most expensive handset releases from the manufacturer this year demanding a similar price tag to the recently released flagship Samsung Galaxy Nexus but a selection of Vodafone contract deals have now been launched which are the cheapest available with a free phone included.

Since its initial release a couple of weeks ago the new Samsung Galaxy Note could not be purchased by consumers on contract deals with less than a £41 charge per month, this was on the Orange network and Vodafone have just released a Galaxy Note deal that includes a free phone that only asks for £36 line rental.

This new Samsung Galaxy Note deal is on the 'Vodafone 600' tariff which offers an inclusive data bundle of 500MB every month which will be well used by this new Android phone that requires an internet connection to maintain some of its crucial features.

Also included in this new Vodafone deal for the Galaxy Note are 600 minutes which the customer can use at any time of the day to call landline numbers as well as other mobile networks, making this new package even more attractive is unlimited text messaging every month and the fact that it is a full £5 cheaper than the previous best deal offered by Orange.

So what does the new Samsung Galaxy Note on Vodafone offer?

The most obvious thing about this new phone is the size of its main screen, measuring an industry leading 5.3 inches it is by far the largest currently available with the HTC Sensation XL and HTC Titan following in second with 4.7 inch displays and the brand new Samsung Galaxy Nexus with its 4.65 inch touch screen.

The sheer size of the Super AMOLED display almost knocks the Samsung Galaxy Note out of the smart phone category and into the tablet market but on closer inspection this is very much a phone.

Running on a fast, dual core 1.4GHz processor which is even faster than the best-selling Samsung Galaxy S2 and powered by an enormous 2500 mAh battery this new handset may have dimensions of 146 x 83 mm but at just 10mm thin it is still easy enough to slip into a pocket.

On the reverse of the phone is an 8 mega pixel camera which allows the user to record high quality 1080p full HD video clips and on the front of the handset us a secondary camera for video calling. (Those using Apple products such as the iPhone 4S and iPhone 4 will know this as 'Facetime').

To get the Galaxy Note hooked up to the internet there is WiFi and speedy 3.5G data support whilst GPS takes care of turn by turn navigation and with access to the Android Market there is now a massive choice of over half a million new applications for users to download.

The Samsung Galaxy Note is now available on Orange, O2, T-Mobile and Vodafone contract deals leaving just 3 Mobile as the main player yet to launch offers for this new handset, it is also available as a SIM free and unlocked unit and a possible Pay As You Go release is also rumoured to take place soon.

If you would like to see the new Samsung Galaxy Note deals as they launch or take a look at the recently released Samsung Galaxy Nexus deals then please feel free to visit our website: Phones Limited.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Meeting the Challenges Posed by BYOD

BYOD is not an invitation to bring your own drink to a party. It refers to "bring your own device" to work, the device being a smart phone or tablet.

According to a Forrester Research Survey, 60% of organisations are extending this invitation to their staff. After all, allowing staff to use their own smart phones and tablets is a cost-effective way to ensure everyone has the latest mobile communications technology.

There are challenges, however. For years, IT departments have kept a tight leash on the hardware and software of an organisation. They must now change their approach. They need to implement strategies to ensure employees' mobile devices don't compromise security.

Importance of Mobile Devices

Organisations need to keep staff in touch with customers, suppliers and each other at all times. Supplying the latest iPhone, iPad or android devices, however, is costly.

But organisations have come to realise they don't need to meet these costs. Staff are buying their own devices. The research company Gartner forecasts sales of 645 million smart phones and tablets in 2012.

BYOD Challenges

It therefore makes commercial sense to embrace the BYOD trend. But without a BYOD strategy, it's hard to guarantee secure unified communications.

The main security issue concerns operating systems. In the past, IT departments have managed the operating systems behind communications networks. BYOD introduces other such systems to networks. Apple has iOS; Google has Android; Research In Motion (RIM) has BlackBerry; and Microsoft has the Windows phone. These different systems mean IT departments must examine and somehow control the various ways staff can access work data.

A further issue is VoIP (voice over Internet protocol). If an organisation has invested in IP telephony, it wants staff to take advantage of the cost savings. It must therefore provide a secure link between smartphones, tablets and the VoIP system.

Enterprise Mobility and Other Solutions

These problems have solutions. Strategies include MDM (mobile device management) and EMM (enterprise mobility management). Of these, EMM is increasingly popular. Its approach to BYOD is to manage employees' mobile devices and the apps they use.

Apps, though, are just part of the answer. Software, passwords, cloud computing and the use of VPNs (virtual private networks) are also helping to make BYOD a success. They ensure BYOD security, adapt to the different operating systems, and maintain unified communications.

BYOD is therefore here to stay. And with a sound management strategy in place, mobile communications can keep pace with change thanks to the enthusiasm of staff for new devices.

Brent Hunt is Head of Marketing & Business Development at Voyager Network Ltd. Established in 1993, Voyager Networks develops and deploys secure Internet Protocol (IP) communication network solutions for private and public organisations throughout the UK.


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Monday, November 21, 2011

How To Send A Text From Computer Consoles

Did you know it's possible to send a text from computer programs or clients and not pay a single dime to your mobile phone company? Recently, I was shocked and appalled to discover that my phone company was grossly overcharging me for my call rates and my text rates as well. Maybe it's my mistake for not reading the fine print in the contract, but considering that these days we can tweet, instant message and email for free from our smart phones, doesn't it make sense that we should be able to text for free as well? So I turned to the next best thing - sending texts from my computer so that I don't have to pay for them.

How To Send A Text From Computer Software And Save Money

Believe it or not, there are many options available to if you want to send a text from computer software instead of using your mobile network and paying through the nose for it. For example, you can use your e-mail to send text messages to any mobile user so long as you know their network and their mobile number. How nifty is that? I discovered that little trick some time ago, and so I went around and asked all the people I know what their mobile networks were. Then I just saved their numbers as e-mail addresses in my e-mail client, and now I text for free!

Another way to go about saving money when you send a text from computer software is by using an instant messaging client to text. Yahoo Messenger offers free texting to particular mobile networks, so you can give that a try and see if it works for you. Otherwise, social networks like Facebook and Twitter allow you to send a "text" from computer consoles as well, so that's another option for you and it will send an alert by means of a push button notification to an iPhone, or Android. It's just like texting, except it's free!

Stop Paying For It When You Can Send A Text From Computer Consoles Free!

Now that I've shared my secrets with you, you can now go ahead and send a text or ten from computer consoles absolutely free and not pay these mobile companies for a service that is essentially free to them and making them millions of dollars every single year. Let's make a stand for free texting today!

Further instructions on how to send a text from computer consoles and save money can be found at this website.

You'll find solutions guaranteed to deliver the best when you send a text from computer.

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

How to Get Keyword Suggestions in iPhone - Enable the Hidden Autocorrect Keyboard Bar in 5 Steps

The Autocorrect keyboard bar in iPhone is hidden. Luckily, we can just make a single change in the code and get the feature enabled. The autocorrect keyboard bar works in any iOS 5 device which includes iPhone 4, iPad 2, iPad, iPod Touch 4G etc.

Things you'll need:

- iBackupBot for Windows / Mac (whichever OS your system runs)

- An iPhone 4 running iOS 5

- Latest version of iTunes for Windows / Mac.

Let's get that autocorrect keyboard bar enabled on your iDevice:

Step One:

Connect your iPhone to your system, and create a backup of your device via iTunes.

Step Two:

Located and open the backup file via iBackupTool.

Step Three:

Find this file -> Library/Preferences/com.apple.keyboard.plist

Step Four:

Add this little piece of code anywhere in that file:


Save the file. (You might get an alert asking you to register the software, but you can ignore that as we're going to use it just this once for this process. Press cancel if that message pops up.)

Step Five:

That's it. Backup your iPhone right from iBackupBot with the modified backup file.

Your autocorrect keyboard bar would show up automatically on your iPhone when you need to type something.

About the Autocorrect Keyboard Bar

The autocorrect keyboard bar is a feature that people often associate with Android phones. It's unknown why Apple tried to hide this and other features deep within the iOS 5 but it's a great feature if you want to reduce your time typing and instead get things done faster.

With the autocorrect keyboard bar, you get suggestions too - so you can type faster because most of the time, words you intend to type are suggested right away.

A word of caution: If you are not that sure about safe editing (in step four), you can optionally take a backup copy of the backup file you made via iTunes. That way, if things go wrong (they won't, don't worry!) you can resort to the old backup easily via iTunes.

Also, many people go around saying jailbreak apps enable this feature easily and you wouldn't have to do anything like adding code etc. But jailbreaking is technically wrong according to Apple (even though legal according to law) and can void the warranty.

So, if all you want is to enable the autocorrect feature, just use this method instead of having to risk a jailbreak.

Get more iPhone news, iPhone how-tos and latest updates from iWatchOnline. Make your iPhone work better, perform faster and do a lot more things to enhance the iPhone experience.

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Strategies On How To Be Successful In Mobile Advertising

Right now there are a lot people who are becoming interested in mobile marketing, and with good reason. Cell marketing provides another way to get more business in today's fast evolving planet. If you want to ensure good results, you're going to want to acquire as much knowledge that you can about mobile marketing and advertising, and apply that knowledge as well you are able to. Tips like those who work in this article should assist you to do that.

Do not send text messages to your consumers too early in the morning or even late at night. As much as a client likes your product or service, no matter how fascinating the promotion is actually, they are not likely to be happy by a late night or even early morning text message.

Use a Multimedia Messaging Want to connect with your customers. If you are unsure if your consumers can receive a Multimedia system Messaging, ask them when their phones may take photos if they point out yes, they can be given a Multimedia Messaging. Employing a MMS will enable you to send movie messages to you clients.

Research your audience. Prior to making assumptions and put a lot of money into mobile marketing efforts, make sure you examine your audience as well as their preferences. Do they utilize their cellphones a lot more than their computers? What operating systems do their particular phones use? Discover the people you want to attain, and you will be able to reach them.

Your mobile marketing call to action ought to be extremely simple and user-friendly. Keep in mind that filling out long varieties with contact information can be a snap on a Personal computer, but time-consuming and tedious when trying to work with the tiny size and functional limitations of the common smartphone keypad. Allow it to be easy to add oneself to your mailing list.

Have a goal. Do not start a mobile marketing campaign unless you know exactly why you wish to have one. You may want to have extra revenue or draw in more readers, but whatever the reason, you should track the information you get to find out if your system is really successful.

Ad advertising specifically designed for the mobile atmosphere to your mobile marketing and advertising playbook. Your traditional web banners are not going to make the grade on a mobile device. In fact, if you have optimized your site for a cellular experience, those banners are no longer even obvious. There are a plethora of fantastic mobile advertising systems available in the market today. Investigate all of them and choose the right one for you personally.

You have to give a little in order to receive a lot. You need to offer bonuses in your mobile marketing strategy. These incentives might be anything form weather conditions alerts to nearby event information. You might offer a coupon to improve your consumer involvement and increase take rates to your strategy.

Offer your customers product-response quizzes or a trivia game within your mobile marketing campaign. The majority of consumers will interact with a quiz question sent to their mobile phone. You can use the quiz program to gather comments and options on your product or service from your customer, while providing entertainment in your customers.

Be sure to allow your customers to remove yourself from list to your messages. If someone makes it difficult for them, they will get frustrated with you completely and could avoid doing any kind of company with you in the future. Try to keep it to a simple one step process to get removed from the list.

Do not forget branding. In your dash to start mobile marketing, you might forget that your mobile marketing efforts need to be integrated into your own larger marketing efforts and your brand. Expanding your brand acknowledgement will help bring you more customers, so do not forget about your brand name when communicating with prospective customers via cellphone.

Giving customers preferred standing is a proven method of increasing loyalty and purchasers, so tell your clients they are "preferred" and "elite members" and produce more of them within! Making exclusive provides only to your mobile marketing customers and giving them special game titles will increase the likelihood of them purchasing your products or services, and will also definitely get them speaking with others about the advantages of being your customer!

Offer check in deals and discounts at your brick and mortar store. This kind of encourages individuals to "check in" although visiting your location, as well as increases your exposure to their friends and family. Several businesses have seen a substantial increase in traffic just by taking this step. An app like Foursquare can fix this.

Do not wait to integrate cellular friendly marketing tips into your sales program. Individuals are buying smartphone's every day. They benefit a busy lifestyle on the run, and make it easy to obtain the information consumers need. If you wait to start out your mobile marketing and advertising plan, you will drop customers. Your competition will jump ahead when you watch profits drop.

Make sure that your business features a presence on social media marketing websites, and include back links to them on your enterprise website. Social media get their own mobile versions of their websites as well as mobile apps that have a relationship with them. This can be another way for your business to connect with buyers easily.

One way to construct your mobile customer databases is to offer these exclusive discounts or even content that you are not sharing with everyone. You could have them sign up for text messages and give them the 10% off coupon. This will encourage more people to sign up, and your mobile marketing efforts will pay off quickly.

Don't blend the purpose of emails as well as texts. You can use text messages to reconfirm information contained in an email you delivered earlier. It is appropriate to send a text message reminding your customers Five minutes before the store sales starts, but don't send both week advance discover as a text message.

Now that you've a better idea how to pull off being successful with mobile marketing you need to put into action a strategy. Remember that the data in here is merely a portion of all you should know, if you keep on teaching yourself and you apply everything you learn, then success should come before you know it.

SEO Search Engine Consultants Melbourne: Mobile Marketing | Melbourne Internet Marketing and SEO Experts

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

iPhone 4S - Amazing iPhone With Amazing Features

The all new iPhone 4S has hit the stands. People were anticipating that after iPhone 4, Apple would release the iPhone 5. However, Apple had different plans. They have released the upgraded version of iPhone 4 - the iPhone 4S. Read on to know the features of this new device from Apple


Now you can use the iPhone as an intelligent assistant. All you need to do is talk to the Siri app on the phone as if you talk any person. You can simply ask 'Where can I find the nearest ATM? ' or 'Is there any petrol station around?' Even though the app is in its beta stage it can easily understand whatever you tell the app. Siri can do many things for you. It can make calls, send text messages, and smartly schedule appointments and so on.

Dual-core A5 chip

The A5 chip lets your iPhone perform faster than even before. You can experience its quickness and responsiveness when you navigate through the phone, launch apps, play games and when you do just about anything on the phone. When it comes to graphics, you will be surprised to know that this iPhone is capable of hardcore gaming. Since the phone boasts a long lasting battery life, you can do multitasking or play games for longer duration.

Best camera

The all-new optics has got a 8 megapixel camera which boasts a larger aperture of f2.4. This allows you to take snaps that are even brighter and crisper than the snaps taken from the predecessor phone. Your photos will appear stunning whether you view it on your iPhone, PC or high definition television. One of the coolest features of this phone is that the camera is capable of take breathtaking photos in dim lighting conditions. The backside illumination technology is what lets you capture less saturated snaps with more details. Apart from this, you can always use the LED flash to lighten the subject.

Video recording at 1080p

Video recording at 1080p, this is what many diehard fans of iPhone were longing for. It is now possible on the Apple iPhone 4S. You can record topnotch videos with amazing clarity. Thanks to the video stabilization capability of the device, no one will be able to notice shakiness when you capture wonderful moments. You can also edit the recorded videos thing on the device itself. You can even share the videos with your friends or loved ones by uploading them on Facebook or other social networking sites.


Last but not the least, the all new iOS can be used on the Apple iPhone 4S. The notification center lets you preview all your alerts like missed calls, text messages, friend requests, etc. The iMessage lets you send and receive unlimited messages between all major Apple devices like iPhone, iPad and iPod that have got iOS 5 on it. And we all know it very well that iOS is a platform for which you can find millions of apps.

RightMobile.co.uk is the right place to get attractive iPhone 4S deals.

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Knowing the Best Features of Samsung Galaxy S2

Samsung Galaxy S2 is one of the most successful Samsung phones ever manufactured by Samsung. Its sleek and sophisticated look will simply leave you enthralled. The phone is loaded with whole lot of features. Since it is qual-band GSM phone, you can use this phone anywhere in the world. You can also connect to 3G network whichever country you visit. When it comes to 3G, you can enjoy 21Mbps HSDPA and over 5Mbps HSUPA on 3G.

One of the best features of this awesome is its 4.3" display screen. It comes to you with Super AMOLED Plus technology. The WVGA capacitive touchscreen comes with an impressive display resolution of 480 x 800 pixels. These days most of the phones available in the market runs on Android and even this one have got the latest Gingerbread version of Android (v2.3) onboard. The OS is overlaid with Samsung's proprietary user interface of TouchWiz 4.

What sets this phone cut above the rest is its fast performing processor of 1.2 GHz dual-core processor. It has also got 1GB RAM which is responsible for topnotch smooth performance. Even an iPhone can't beat this phone! As for display performance, the Samsung Galaxy S2 has got 4000MP GPU. Another cool feature of this phone is the 8 megapixel camera. The autofocus camera has got a powerful LED flash that allows you to detailed images even when there is not much light.

Are you waiting for the iPhone 5 to release so that you can take advantage of 1080HD recording? The Samsung Galaxy S2 is one step ahead of iPhone. The iPhone is yet to release, however the Samsung Galaxy S2 can smoothly record videos of 1080p at 30fps. Even the browser completely supports Flash which allows you to the view the most complex sites very smoothly on this phone. Not only this, you can even watch 1080p HD videos on the web browser seamlessly.

The unique new feature called MHL provides you with a combo port for using microUSB and connecting HDMI cable for displaying the contents of the phone on the television screen. For using a regular HDMI cable, you are required to use an adapter. The Samsung Galaxy S2 is available in different storage sizes. You can choose between 16GB or 32GB internal storage. Also, it has got an external microSD slot that can read up to 32GB.

The Samsung Galaxy S2 has got a very ultra slim design as its 8.49mm and weighs only 119g. The sound output of this phone is truly fantastic and watching movies on this phone is simply a wonderful experience. The battery is very long lasting and it boasts a talk time of more than 8 hours.

Samsung Galaxy S2 is one of the most famous Samsung phones. Checkout Samsung Galaxy S2 deals

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Can You Think Of The Next Must Have Application?

It's hard to believe that smartphone applications have only been around since 2008. What's even more remarkable is the fact that Apple only backed the App's Store, after the launch of the first iPhone! There have been a reported billion downloads since then, and many other manufacturers have attempted to duplicate the model, with Google leading the pack.

Google's Android Market may have a long way to go, but the flexibility and 'open source' nature of the software and multi manufacturer partnership, offers a huge market scope to Google. One thing is for sure, applications are here to stay and are a core part of everyday smartphone use. Expect to see app's bundled in with smartphone deals, and available in 'top up' credit form, in the very near future.

Both App stores have been critiscised for a lack of quality, possibly due to insufficient developer and concept vetting. Indeed, most of the paid applications aswell as the most popular games, tend to be derivatives of older more established games and brands. The real money for thier owners, is in 'subscription' based Apps requiring a small monthly payment. These offer continuity and 'up-sells' in the form of 'upgrades and add-on's'. After all, It is always easier to get more money from people who already pay you, than it is to start fresh with someone new!

However, most applications are free and problem for developers is that it devalues the product because consumers get too used to not paying. As a marketing or branding exercise, they offer corperates the chance to add value to their customers online shopping experience, whilst creating loyalty and repeat buying.

One area that may poise a problem for Android is its reported vunerability to viruses, during the app download process. The Android Market is still not as polished as the Apple store and relies heavily on third party websites for file downloads.It doesn't seem to sit very well in the usual Google Skin, there's something not quite right with it, but that could just be me. Apple on the other hand, has virtually no known viruses and as a result, is exceptionally secure. Google will have to be very careful, not to have their users' details stolen like Sony, or they will lose huge amounts of trust in the market. They are yet to have a serious security breach (that we know of) but the Android Phone Market has potential, leave them a little exposed.

In summary, quality not quantity spells success for all App Markets. This is the only way manufacturers and developers, will attain long term residual income whilst ensuring, safety for their users.

Thanks for your time. Rachel is a smartphone reviewer and technology writer, based in West London, England. She enjoys swimming in the sea, reading books and growing plants. To see more of Rachel's android guides and the best UK smartphone deals why not visit her at http://www.smartphoneandroid.co.uk/

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10 Success Traits Of Mobile Marketers Who Succeed

As a mobile marketer you may have seen two people start a business concurrently. After some time, one is wildly successful the other a complete failure. Though these people were endowed with the same resources and the two had the desire to succeed, you may have been puzzled by the huge variance. Well, success in any business requires certain basics. Here are the top ten characteristics of business people who make it big.

1. They are disruptive.

This means coming up with a totally different, but cheaper way of delivering the same results. Think of Skype. It is quite disruptive, don't you think so? It eliminates the exorbitant cross border phone charges.

2. They aim big.

The energy involved in running a $100,000-a-year business is the same as that of managing a ten-million-a-year business. Mobile marketers who succeed know this and they pursue big dreams. They go for the big clients, high return venture and technologies that offer the biggest leverage.

3. They network.

They have good relationship with investors, advisers, employees and customers. With a broad network, the ability to make important, global-sized changes is made possible. In addition, it becomes easier to borrow success concepts from other industry and apply them in mobile marketing.

4. They have a plan B

Successful marketers plan for better or worse. They look at the worst that can happen and prepare for it. However, they work tirelessly to make the best possible scenario materialize.

5. They persistence.

Persistence means working tireless in the realization of a vision. It means being flexible in the face of changing circumstances. It doesn't mean being blind and rigid to change.

6. They are honest.

Successful mobile marketers don't exaggerate the benefits of a product or hide material flaws. They don't knowingly associate with people or products that are mediocre. They are excellent and will sell products truthfully without regard to expense.

7. They hire slowly fire fast.

It is important to get hiring right the first time. This may take time research and patience. People who make it big realize they can't do it alone and that employees are key to their success. In this regard they hire without haste. However, in the event they realize that they got the wrong person on board, they fire without restraint or regret.

8. They break rules.

The rules of entrepreneurship are not immutable laws of nature. You can break them without suffering the consequences that would come by breaking laws of nature. In other words, successful marketers question rules and sometimes ignore listening to all of the rules all of the time.

9. They launch early.

The biggest profits in most businesses go to people who go in early. To go in early you need to be alert to opportunities that present themselves all the time. Often, you need to train your intuitive abilities to guide you. In most times when you go in early institution may be the only reference point.

10. They are good marketers.

Marketing is an indispensable trait of business owners who think big. It is a discipline that should not be delegated or outsourced. Marketing is the bloodline of any business and business owners who succeed masters it more than any other field.

Mary Wilhite is a Mobile Marketing Specialist, also known as the Mobile Marketing Queen. Teaching small businesses, entrepreneurs, and internet marketers how to attract better customers with mobile marketing devices. Get her newest book today. Just click here http://www.easymobilepaycheck.com/mobile-cash-machine/

View the original article here

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

European consortium contributes to global standards for 4G technology

ScienceDaily (Nov. 16, 2011) — A European consortium has developed global standards for the next generation of mobile communication devices. Their breakthrough will help contribute to new products and business worldwide, while making smartphones even smarter.

What happens when European communications companies meet top research institutes? A consortium, which includes a number of large European and global companies, was formed as a EUREKA framework research programme called WINNER+ and has contributed to standards which are already being used around the world, enabling increases in the capabilities of mobile communication. These increases will include new ecosystems for mobile systems and devices, generating wide ranges of new products, employment and company revenues around the world.

WINNER+ is the third phase of a series of development started in 2004 funded through the European framework programme. EUREKA's Euroepan mobile communication cluster CELTIC was the ideal platform to launch the technology on the market after the initial research was completed. WINNER+ was born in April 2008, after the World Radio Communication conference identified additional radio frequency spectrum which could be used for mobile applications.

"The aims of the project were to develop systems, concepts and simulations to test and validate ideas for broadband mobile communications. These ideas could then be exploited for global standards," said Dr. Werner Mohr, Nokia Siemens Networks.

The results of the previous research stages, which include radio network capabilities that are already ahead of state-of-the-art, were used as the starting point. Could WINNER+ push those boundaries even further forwards? 3G standards, used by mobile phones already for ten years allow consumers to connect to Internet from wherever they want, helping them access services such as mobile TV or video-conferencing from their handsets. What the project developed are new generation 4G standards which will make Internet on smartphones even faster and wireless Internet connections more reliable.

Working together

Consensus was very hard to find in establishing standards for 3G after several competing proposals were developed. Major companies had put in a great deal of time, effort and money into research and development and were unwilling to give it up. This time was different. By building on the previous projects, WINNER+ brought together most of the major telecommunications companies at a very early stage.

As each company was starting from the same point, each had significantly less invested in 4G and so could be more flexible as development progressed. The basic concepts of the new system were a joint development. WINNER+ built directly onto these developments and exploited them towards global standards. Additionally, since the end goal was the same for everyone -- agreed standards -- there was little incentive to try and gain an advantage over others. The result was much smoother development.

As Dr Werner Mohr of Nokia Siemens Networks explains, "This meant that the capabilities and concepts were developed together and so there was much more support for the eventual solutions. This was a major achievement." With many of the project partners also playing an active role in the industry trade bodies and standards committees, the consortium was well placed to facilitate workable agreements. EUREKA played a crucial role in this cooperation. Many of the companies are competitors meaning that there are some very real constraints to working together, both from the perspective of sharing crucial research and development data and from the possibility of alleged anti-trust behaviour.

The EUREKA touch

The 29 partners in the consortium come from a wide range of European countries and many compete against each other in the same national markets. By enabling a legal relationship between the different parties, using the same publicly available legal conditions for everyone, the framework provided by EUREKA smoothed out potential bumps and also enabled funding for some of the research.

"The framework EUREKA provided was very important. It enabled competitors to work together without any great problems and was also the basis for much of the national research funding that was granted," added Dr. Mohr.

Since research funding is awarded on a national level, some parties were able to receive financial assistance while others were not. EUREKA provided the label enabling the applications for national funding. Around half of the companies found funding, but the strategic carrot of being involved in contributing to the setting of future global standards ensured that all the parties allocated funds for research when required. The experience of other platforms in recent years suggests that there will be many potential benefits to the standards being influenced by WINNER+.

An Unlimited potential

The development of new mobile and wireless systems and devices and the potentially unlimited number of applications for these devices has the power to enable innovation, create companies, employment and profits on a global scale. Dr Mohr suggests that these are secondary effects, which are impossible to estimate in advance, but have the potential to enhance the lives of mobile users with creative new products, services and possibilities.

He describes a time lag of several years between research and system development of new radio systems before it becomes clear just how important the new capabilities will be, but he has "very high hopes." In contrast to many of the entrepreneurs and small companies that may emerge, the project partners included telecommunications network operators with national, international or global businesses. For these companies, the ability to maintain revenues and jobs as new technology develops is just as important.

There are hopes that the next round of innovations from WINNER+ will include new peer to peer communications between devices, new ways to use and share radio frequency spectrum and advances in radio resource management. In other words, much greater capabilities in services that we already take for granted. With a total research budget between the partners of over €12 million, there is clearly a lot at stake in the mobile communications industry. WINNER+ is a great example of European companies developing industry leading technologies and standards.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Eureka, via AlphaGalileo.

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

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