

Monday, November 28, 2011

Five Surprising Tips For Selling To Big Corporations

Most mobile marketers dream of bagging a big corporate account. These accounts have a continuous flow of assignments. The scope is normally well-defined and the assignment has clear goals. In addition, big institutions pay better that small startups and the account maintenance expense is minimal. However, most marketers make basic blunders in trying to sell to Fortune 500 companies. Here are 5 tips that can help you land a big corporate account:

1. Do your homework.

You must know your prospect well. You need to know what mobile marketing services the prospect is already using that you might be able to provide. Find out who is providing the services; the scope and extent of provider. Your homework may also extend to understanding the company strategy and the importance they attach to mobile marketing. This prepares you for the next phase.

2. Have a stunning 'elevator pitch'.

In 30-60 seconds you should be ready to explain what you do and why you're a better alternative. The homework you have done about the company should help you tweak your pitch. Zero in on the weakness of the competition and the needs of your prospect. And if this resonates well with your prospects, you get the job.

3. Do not show desperation.

Your financial and pricing can be used to judge the extent of your desperation. When big companies are satisfied with your capabilities, the next thing they do is look at your financials and pricing. If they investigate your credit and see you are in the red, they may decline to give you business. If you quote 70% less than the current service provider, this may show desperation. The key is to put your finances in order; price your services within the comfort zone of the prospect. Too much or too low is uncomfortable.

4. Make sure you have the capacity.

From your research you may have seen that your prospect sends thousands of coupons or text messages to clients per week. You may also have notice the extent of advertising that is involved. Big corporation prefer ongoing relationship and so when you look for business ensure you can deliver what is required in big volumes. In addition, if you can't deliver everything you make sure you know credible people who can help you deliver.

5. Take care of the small things.

Little things can turn off prospects. Things like a yahoo email address, a poorly designed business card or when you don't look corporate. Big companies like dealing with serious entities or people. If you are a-man-show and work from home do not make this too obvious. Have you outward correspondence show quality and authenticity.

Mary Wilhite is a Mobile Marketing Specialist, also known as the Mobile Marketing Queen. Teaching small businesses, entrepreneurs, and internet marketers how to attract better customers with mobile marketing devices. Get her newest book today. Just click here http://www.amazon.com/Mobile-Marketing-Bible-1/dp/1466426101/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1320573064&sr=8-1

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