

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Voltage increases up to 25 percent observed in closely packed nanowires

Unexpected voltage increases of up to 25 percent in two barely separated nanowires have been observed at Sandia National Laboratories.

Designers of next-generation devices using nanowires to deliver electric currents -- including telephones, handheld computers, batteries and certain solar arrays -- may need to make allowances for such surprise boosts.

"People have been working on nanowires for 20 years," says Sandia lead researcher Mike Lilly. "At first, you study such wires individually or all together, but eventually you want a systematic way of studying the integration of nanowires into nanocircuitry. That's what's happening now. It's important to know how nanowires interact with each other rather than with regular wires."

The work was reported in the December 2011 issue of Nature Nanotechnology.

Though the gallium-arsenide nanowire structures used by Lilly's team are fragile, nanowires in general have very practical characteristics -- they may crack less than their bigger cousins, they're cheaper to produce and they offer better electronic control.

For years, the best available test method required researchers to put a charged piece of material called a gate between two nanowires on a single shelf. The gate, flooded with electrons, acted as a barrier: It maintained the integrity, in effect, of the wires on either side of it by repelling any electrons attempting to escape across it. But the smallest wire separation allowed by the gate was 80 nanometers. Nanowires in future devices will be packed together much more closely, so a much smaller gap was necessary for testing.

The current test design has the brilliance of simplicity. What Lilly and co-workers at McGill University in Montreal envisioned was to put the nanowires one above the other, rather than side by side, by separating them with a few atomic layers of extremely pure, home-grown crystal. This allowed them to test nanowires separated vertically by only 15 nanometers -- about the distance next-generation devices are expected to require. And because each wire sits on its own independent platform, each can be independently fed and controlled by electrical inputs varied by the researchers.

While applications for technical devices interest Lilly, it's the characteristics of nanowires as a problem in one-dimensional (1-D) basic science that fascinates him.

A 1-D wire is not your common, thick-waisted, 3-D household wire, which allows current to move horizontally, vertically, and forward; nor is it your smaller, flattened micron-sized 2-D wires in typical electronic devices that allow electrons to move forward and across but not up and down. In 1-D wires, the electrons can only move in one direction: forward, like prisoners coming to lunch, one behind the other.

"In the long run, our test device will allow us to probe how 1-D conductors are different from 2-D and 3-D conductors," Lilly said. "They are expected to be very different, but there are relatively few experimental techniques that have been used to study the 1-D ground state."

One reason for the difference is the Coulomb force, responsible for what is termed the Coulomb "drag" effect, regardless of whether the force hastens or retards currents. Operating between wires, the force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance; that is, in ordinary microelectronics, the force is practically unnoticeable, but at nanodistances, the force is large enough that electrons in one wire can "feel" the individual electrons moving in another placed nearby.

The drag means that the first wire needs more energy because the Coulomb force creates, in effect, increased resistance. "The amount is very small," said Lilly, "and we can't measure it. What we can measure is the voltage of the other wire."

There are no straightforward answers as to why the Coulomb force creates negative or positive drag, but it does. It was named for 18th century scientist Charles August Coulomb.

What's known is that "enough electrons get knocked along that they provide positive source at one wire end, negative at the other," Lilly said. A voltage builds up in the opposite direction to keep electrons in place," thus increasing drag.

The so-called Fermi sea -- a 3-D concept used to predict the average energy of electrons in metal -- should totally break down in 1-D wires, which instead should form a Luttinger liquid, Lilly said. A Luttinger liquid is a theoretical model that describes the interactions of electrons in a 1-D conductor. To better understand the Luttinger liquid is Lilly's underlying motive for the experiment. (Enrico Fermi was a leading theoretical physicist of the 20th century who played an important role in the development of the atomic bomb. Joaquin Luttinger was a 20th century physicist known for his theories of how electrons interact in one-dimensional metals.)

Having an interest on many levels proved useful because making the test device "took us a very long time," he said. "It's not impossible to do in other labs, but Sandia has crystal-growing capabilities, a microfabrication facility and support for fundamental research from DOE's [the Department of Energy's] Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES). The BES core program is interested in new science and new discoveries, like the work we're doing in trying to understand what is going on when you're working with very small systems."

Device fabrication was conducted under a user project at the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, a DOE Office of Science national user facility jointly run by Sandia and Los Alamos national laboratories. The device design and measurement were completed under the DOE Office of Science BES/Division of Materials Science and Engineering research program.

The work required the crystal-growing expertise of Sandia researcher John Reno, the fabrication and measurement skills of McGill doctoral student Dominique Laroche and elements of previous work by Sandia researcher Jerry Simmons.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by DOE/Sandia National Laboratories.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

D. Laroche, G. Gervais, M. P. Lilly, J. L. Reno. Positive and negative Coulomb drag in vertically integrated one-dimensional quantum wires. Nature Nanotechnology, 2011; 6 (12): 793 DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2011.182

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

All About Smartphone Security

With the number of smartphone users increasing and applications becoming more and more popular, the number of those falling prey to mobile hackers is also on the rise. And this is one issue which is overlooked by most smartphone users.

Many people still find it hard to believe the power that a smartphone commands. Most smartphone handsets are more powerful when compared to desktops. Because of this, it appears impossible that a similar set of vulnerabilities that computers face almost everyday, would pose as a threat to the mobile phone.

Smartphones are part of our everyday life and most online transactions, including banking, are carried out through it. Scammers and hackers are thus always on the prowl to capture valuable information out of a smartphone.

Smartphone users usually indulge in increased internet activity and it's quite possible for them to click on a malicious link which captures valuable personal details like the username and password of an online baking account. While the link itself may look innocuous, the harm has already been done and information has already passed on to the hackers.

Another recent activity being carried by scammers and hackers is the creation of applications that can be freely downloaded from several online stores. These applications comprise a virus. Once the application is downloaded and installed on the smartphone, the virus becomes active. Moreover, there are many applications that cause the user to send text messages at a premium rate, often costing up to £5 per message, without the user knowing anything about it. Such a type of scam is quite rampant these days and has shocked several subscribers at the end of the month.

These security threats, however, aren't entirely unavoidable. First, buy or download applications only from a genuine and authorized online store. This would significantly reduce the chances of being a victim to scams. Also, never try to pilfer with the smartphone. This could lead to someone running unauthorized software on your handset and chances are high that such software could be consisting of malicious elements. Besides, pilfering the handset would nullify the manufacturer warranty.

One must exert proper precaution while using the Wi-Fi or Bluetooth facility on the smartphone handset. The Wi-Fi of the smartphone must never be accessed from any unsecured location and both the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi must be switched off after use. These will prevent hackers from accessing your phone. Keeping the Bluetooth on for a long time can greatly reduce the battery life of your phone.

A good way to keep hackers and scammers at bay is to install good anti-virus software on your smartphone. The software will prevent any malicious program from entering your phone. Many updated anti-virus software also prevents pirated applications from being installed on your handset. But make sure that you always install genuine anti-virus software and not any copied version.

A little bit of cautiousness and prudence on your part can save your smartphone from falling prey to hackers. Always check your monthly smartphone bill for ensuring that there's no suspicious activity.

Select from a wide range of 3G smartphones, attractive smartphones deals, cheap handsets & economical call plans.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Researchers measure nanometer scale temperature

Atomic force microscope cantilever tips with integrated heaters are widely used to characterize polymer films in electronics and optical devices, pharmaceuticals, paints, and coatings. These heated tips are also used in research labs to explore new ideas in nanolithography and data storage, and to study fundamentals of nanometer-scale heat flow. Until now, however, no one has used a heated nano-tip for electronic measurements.

"We have developed a new kind of electro-thermal nanoprobe," according to William King, a College of Engineering Bliss Professor in the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering at Illinois. "Our electro-thermal nanoprobe can independently control voltage and temperature at a nanometer-scale point contact. It can also measure the temperature-dependent voltage at a nanometer-scale point contact."

"Our goal is to perform electro-thermal measurements at the nanometer scale," according to Patrick Fletcher, first author of the paper, "Thermoelectric voltage at a nanometer-scale heated tip point contact," published in the journal Nanotechnology. "Our electro-thermal nanoprobe can be used to measure the nanometer-scale properties of materials such as semiconductors, thermoelectrics, and ferroelectrics."

The electro-thermal probes are different than thermal nanoprobes typically used in King's group and elsewhere. They have three electrical paths to the cantilever tip. Two of the paths carry heating current, while the third allows the nanometer-scale electrical measurement. The two electrical paths are separated by a diode junction fabricated into the tip. While the cantilever design is complex, the probes can be used in any atomic force microscope.

In addition to Fletcher, co-authors of the paper include Byeonghee Lee, and William King. The research was performed in the Nanoengineering laboratory as well as the Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory and the Materials Research Laboratory at Illinois.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Illinois College of Engineering.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

Patrick C Fletcher, Byeonghee Lee, William P King. Thermoelectric voltage at a nanometer-scale heated tip point contact. Nanotechnology, 2012; 23 (3): 035401 DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/23/3/035401

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

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What Is Mobile Broadband?

This question would actually be very simple to answer except that it depends on your vantage point. The most defining word in the question is the definition of the term 'Broadband'. Basically it is anything above what a traditional phone modem can deliver or 256k. The standards group CCITT defined "broadband service" in 1988 as requiring transmission channels capable of supporting bit rates greater than the primary rate which ranged from about 1.5 to 2 Mbit/s. This was supported by the recent Broadband Stimulus plan by the US Government.

The term 'mobile' refers to anything that is not connected by a cable, or is connected via a radio network such as a mobile cellular network, a WiMax network or in some cases WiFi as provided in Airports and other hotspots.

In the most current usage today Mobile Broadband is used to describe both cellphones and laptops using data over the airways. These connections are used to surf the web, download or upload files, transmit emails and in some cases to provide voice and video calls. These latter calls are generally provided by an Over-the-Top (OTP) application such a Skype. Very few if any cellular providers today use their data networks for voice calls.

In the very near future that will all change as VoLTE (Voice over Long Term Evolution) evolves and provides an all IP network. Currently most providers are moving to an IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) core that will obsolete the current voice centric networks. In most cases these carriers are providing voice over one network and data over a second. This is complicated for the management of networks, the users' devices and hardware providers. The licenses for the spectrum allocated for LTE (700MHz) are coming up for review where the license holders are required to start a rollout within the next year or their license will be modified.

The current 2, 2.5 and 3 G networks are all dual networks where voice and text messaging travel over a very traditional part of the network and the data is sent over the a completely different IP network. This is called backhaul and is very costly because all of the data and all of the calls must be backhauled to a central point that could be thousands of miles away from the originating cell site.

This creates problems especially for rural carriers where the backhaul is very expensive and the bandwidth is very limited. In some cases the voice and data traffic needs to go over satellite and is even more expensive and bandwidth limited. This is why the penetration of both cellular and broadband in some of the rural communities is so poor.

In an IMS network the need for backhaul is dramatically diminished because calls and data all travel over the same pipe and switching can be accomplished right at the cell site. Thus calls within an area do not need to be transported back to a central switch and then hair-pinned back to the same location. This wastes 2 complete channels. In an IMS IP network it does not take up any channels or bandwidth. The call is handled right at the site so there is no need for backhaul at all.

The same goes for data. Instead of bringing all of the data back to a central point, the data can enter the network or internet right at the site. Again, this eliminates the need for any backhaul. It is more efficient, cost effective and requires a lot less maintenance.

For a rural community this evolution provides a needed step to reducing the cost to deploy both cellular and broadband networks. This includes providing broadband over a mobile network. Broadband services can very quickly be deployed in these communities without the need for fiber or cable to the home. Install an LTE network based on an IMS core and provide the kids in school with an inexpensive USB broadband dongle, and they are now part of the connected generation. Thus the term 'Mobile Broadband' and why it has such a focus within the rural community.

However, this evolution is not without its pain. Currently very few carriers have implemented a complete IMS core network. Equipment and handset vendors must provide networks and devices that integrate with multiple networks. Handsets will have several radios in them to be able to use a range of networks. This drains batteries and contributes to variations in levels-of-service. This is something customers or subscribers do not understand nor care about.

This coming change in network architecture will put a great deal of pressure on the incumbent wireless switch manufacturers as companies such as LEMKO deploy these next generation networks to the rural carriers in a very timely, cost effective way. This is done without the need for expensive infrastructure, complicated networks with their complicated array of switching centers, billing servers and data demarcations. These systems are used by Public Safety organizations around the world and with the simple push of a button they can provide cellular communications within minutes of a disaster where the old way took days. It is that easy.

Dave Kauppi is an investment banker strategic advisor for Lemko Corporation, providing strategic revenue growth and strategic alliances consulting to emerging technology firms. The firm counsels clients in the areas of M&A, valuations, "Smart Equity Capital Raises", sales and acquisitions. Visit the Lemko Web site to review this game changing technology or call Dave at 847-240-1990 X254

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Smartphones in 2012

The power of smartphones has increased by leaps and bounds ever since the first smartphone, the Apple iPhone, was launched in 2007. The cheap smartphone segment, especially, has witnessed a phenomenal growth in 2011. Faster processors, superb displays, high quality cameras and other features fuelled the popularity of smartphones in 2011. Most cheap smartphones, however, were found lacking in the battery department. Most of these phones, even today, require a battery recharge within 24 hours. But improved performance has been the scoring point for most of these phones.

But that doesn't mean that smartphones, and the cheap smartphone in particular, has no room for innovation and improvement in 2012. Here's a look at what manufacturers are likely to incorporate in their products in the coming year.

Quad-core processors

While 2011 was the year of the dual core, 2012 is expected to usher in the quad-core processor even in cheap smartphones. Tegra 3 by Nvidia, is touted to be nearly five times faster compared to the dual core Tegra 2. Qualcomm, meanwhile, plans to launch its quad-core Snapdragon CPUs with speeds in the 2.5 GHz range. It also plans to launch the quad-core Adreno graphics processor for gaming.

Near-field communication

Near-field communication (NFC) is the technology which enables the smartphone user to wave his handset in front of a payment kiosk, instead of swiping his credit card, while making payments. To make that a reality, wireless carriers and cheap smartphone makers must incorporate the NFC capability in their handsets and retail outlets must set up kiosks that accept such payments. 2012 may finally see NFC being implemented.

Displays with 720 pixel resolution

The HTC Rezound and the Samsung Galaxy Nexus were the first phones to boast of true 720 pixel resolution i.e. 1280 x 720 pixel displays. This is likely to become the norm for display even in cheap smartphones the next year and handset manufacturers may even figure out how to comprise the pixels into a smaller screen. The result would be beautiful smartphone screens where individual pixels will be impossible to differentiate.

Voice control

After the introduction of Siri in the iPhone 4S by Apple, Microsoft and Google are trying to out-score each other to incorporate more voice commands in their respective cheap smartphone platforms. As for Siri, there's a slim chance that Apple may open up its virtual personal assistant to third-party applications in 2012. In the same way, the company would expand the functionality of Siri by the time the year is over.

Better phones to cost less

As cutting edge and state-of-the art smartphone technology improves, the average stuff also toes the same line. This means that more cheap smartphones will be introduced in the market and a greater number of people would start sporting such handsets. In fact, Steve Ballmer, CEO, Microsoft, has already forecast that Android smartphones will be the cheapest and companies will have to scour for ways to bring down the cost of their products.

Whatever it is, you can expect to see a flurry of cheap smartphones invading the market in 2012.

Select from a wide range of 3G smartphones, attractive smartphones deals, cheap handsets & economical call plans

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

How to Watch TV on Your iPhone

iPhones can now be used for all sorts of purposes. A time is coming when you may never need to buy electronic gadgets any more in the home. All you will ever need to buy when that time comes is an iPhone. The iPhone will just be enough to give you every kind of entertainment you may ever require. It is now very easy to play music on your iPhone. You can also get connected to some radio stations on the phone. Above all, you can now watch TV on your iPhone. This simple write up will show you how to get that done without any hassle.

Download the necessary application

There are some applications that make it possible for you to watch TV on your iPhone. There are quite a number of them. You will need to get them downloaded onto the iPhone before you can successfully watch live TV on it. You may have to pay for some of the applications anyway. Some of them are TVU, which can give you access to up to 300 channels all over the world; netTV, which works over 3G and gives you access to up to 200 channels and TV.com, which works over Wi-Fi and gives you access to channels like CNET, NBC, CBS and many more stations.

Connect to your desktop computer for better effect

You can also watch live TV on your mobile iPhone by connecting the phone to your computer. What you need to do is to download an application on the iPhone that enables easy communication between your iPhone and the desktop computer. Through this simple software, you will be able to stream live TV show and other forms of video to your iPhone form your desktop. There are several forms of such applications you can download online. Some of them are free for you to download, while some other ones require some amount for subscription. When you download these applications, it will become easier to stream videos and live TV show s to your iPhone and you will have better access than you had ever seen before.

Use your safari browser

Your iPhone is built with a safari browser. You can connect through the browser to watch live TV on the iPhone. You only need to open the browser and type in the site of the TV channel. When it opens, you can always easily watch the TV programs live from the website directly on your iPhone through the safari browser.

Some little lag

Some of the applications describe above may experience some measure of delay while they are loading. The ease with which they load is highly dependent on the strength of the network at that particular time and place.


It may not be easy to come by a network that provides free video streaming to your iPhone. Most of them charge you some amount of money before you are permitted to get connected. In most cases, you are asked to pay periodical charges to get connected.

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The Most Commonly Used Smartphone Applications

Smartphones are being spotted in the hands of almost everybody who can afford it. There's a plethora of brands that cater to almost all types of smartphone customers in the market.

Sensing that the popularity of smartphones would surge northwards in the coming years, software companies are introducing new applications at frequent intervals, not to mention the several ones that are already there in the market.

Here are some of the most popular smartphone applications.

The Weather Channel

Getting to know about the day's weather, in earlier times, simply involved reading the newspaper. The Weather Channel software is now available to smartphone users who can check the weather and the forecasts for any place across the globe via a simple click on the button. The application offers text views and map views as well as a screen shot of the weekly weather forecast. Whether you are watching an amazing storm video which has been captured on film or have a fetish to know about the latest weather, The Weather Channel is gaining popularity with each passing day. It's compatible with several popular smartphones and even some cheap smartphones as well.


Pandora is an automatic genome music system which creates music recommendations based upon the personal listening preference of the listener. Besides playing music continuously, the software also inserts new music to the play-list, that's likely to interest the listener. The application analyses the songs being heard by the listener and determines his genres and choices. It then matches its results with other songs or artists. The user is able to continually morph his selection of music either approving or disapproving the music selected by the software. The best part of Pandora is that the first 40 hours of listening, every month, is free. Following the expiry of the free limit, a listener can continue using the application by paying a small fee.


NeatCall is a fantastic application which can be used to organize your profession or career. Even small businessmen, starting off sans any substantial knowledge of the application, love it. The basic package of the application is currently available for free but one has to pay a monthly fee to download additional features and gadgets. With the simple click of a button, the application determines the best time slot for your conferences and meetings. It even follows up the event with appropriate attendees. There's no more any need to make additional phone calls or send lengthy emails for confirming the scheduled appointment. In fact, the application not only determines the correct time for your calls and meeting, it also updates your calendar by inserting the necessary information. In the event you chance to look on the calendar, you'll be instantly reminded of your appointment. NeatCall stores all the information in its server. It's easy and can be installed on several smartphones, including cheap smartphones.

There are hundreds of useful smartphone applications that you can download and install on your handset. But before everything else, always install good anti-virus software and keep harmful viruses at bay.

Go for the buy cheap mobiles, search cheap contract phones & mobile phones cheap.

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Learning About Wireless Base Stations For Your Home

Wireless or cordless telephones have been around for many years now. Although a bit more expensive than the regular corded home phone, many people have invested in wireless phones due to the ease that they offer. No matter where you are in your house you can carry your phone with you and answer it immediately when it rings as opposed to running towards the phone when it rings and missing the call as you answer it. Many of these phones now have a very strong signal even outside of the house. Depending on the wireless base station you can even take your home phone to the local shops with you and it will still continue to work and allow you to answer calls.

Wireless base stations come in all shapes and sizes and each brand has its own standards and features. Common wireless base station brands include Sony, Panasonic and Toshiba. Each brand will have their own set of wireless phones and depending on the one you go for you will get a number of default features such as multiple ring tones to choose from just like a normal cell phone. Some will also give you the option to accept voice messages, which can record on the wireless base station. But as mentioned before one of the best features is the ability to take the phone with you even up to the local shops. Generally, the higher the price is for the base station the further you can travel and still have access to using the phone. As a general rule of thumb the more expensive the phone system is the more of a wireless reach it will have.

Choosing the right wireless phone system for your home can often seem complicated with all the features involved and so many brands and models trying to get you to buy their product. One of the best ways to decide on the right phone for you is to list a number of features you would like in your wireless phone. You can also ask your friends about the phones they have at home or look at all the features the different phones on the market offer and list them by preference. Once you have this list it's just a matter of going out there and choosing the one that meets all of these specifications. An easy way to do this is to search for a phone comparison site and enter all of your specs, which will allow the site to show you only the phones that are compatible with your specifications. Then it's just a matter of price, look and feel.

Globecomm is a telecommunications company specializing in wireless base stations, media, government, and maritime communications worldwide. Contact Globecomm for all of your consulting, system design and wireless communication systems needs.

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Cellular Phone and Electronics Recycling

Out of all things to recycle, why cellular phones? There are many benefits to recycling. One very important reason to recycle cellular phones, wireless devices and electronics is because they contain hazardous, toxic components. Many dispose of electronics improperly thus leading to destruction and breakdown of earth's life sources. Is this true you may ask? Yes, this is a fact.

As an example, if you dispose of your electronics or cell phone and do not send it to a structured facility that has the proper means of disposal, your item may end up in a landfill. Once these cellular phones or electronic devices reach a landfill, the internal components start to breakdown and the harmful agents in the electronic breaks down, seeps into the soil, spreads to plants, spreads to our drinking water system, thus spreading to humans and causing toxic breakdown and can cause much harm to our very existence. It is important and vital for future generations that we do our part to maintain and protect the earths ECO system. We can do this by properly disposing of our cellular phones and electronics by means of recycling. So now you have helped in saving your environment and our future generations by doing this one action of recycling. But, that's not all!

You can gain even more benefits today by recycling! Did you know that cellular phone recycling is one of the top rated fundraisers for schools and nonprofit organizations around the world? The average home has 2-4 cell phones stored in a drawer. Why? Many people upgrade their phones over time and know that their cell phones are worth something, so they toss them in a drawer and never get around to doing anything with them and that is where the fundraising comes in! Oh yes, there is your return for school supplies, the extra needed for school budget by just recovering and collecting those phones as donations! This works very similar to box top collecting, just ask for the donations and they will come!

Nonprofit organizations can also benefit fully from such recycling efforts. Many today are in desperate need of funding and need cell phone drives or a longer term collection box set up to bring in this extra income. Recycling drives and events are a proven way to bring in extra funding. Many do not pursue such avenues because they assume it's a complicated process. Recycling is actually very simple and rewarding. Trained professionals can be most beneficial in providing you with guidelines and the strategy needed to host such events and to make them work correctly and most efficiently.

Whether you decide to recycle for cause or to simply do your part to save our planet from environmental destruction, you can be assured that you are making the right choice by recycling!

Maybe you are hosting a charitable event and need to do everything you can to earn for that cause. Whatever your cause may be whether it's personal or group related, you can earn fast with cellular phone collections!

We encourage you to become a part of such a recycling organization because it not only helps save our earth but helps people today and generations to come. We are strongly committed to helping others by our knowledge of cellular phone and electronics recycling. We encourage you to do your part and recycle!

We focus on 100% ECO Friendly proper disposal of all cell phones, wireless devices and electronics. We have years of experience in fundraisers, charitable work efforts and raising funding for cause by means of recycling. We look forward to helping you with your cause.

Please visit our website at ECOmm Recycling for more detailed information on how you can get started.


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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Do I Really Need All of Those Apps?

Hmmm...what to choose, what to choose? Wow! Look at that one! It actually will show you where your flight is over the Atlantic Ocean! Ooooh, and that one can make your smart phone into a walkie-talkie! Oh, man, now would you look at that? Who the heck needs one that will actually act like an air guitar?

How is a person supposed to choose from all these apps?

The answer is you're not supposed to choose from all those apps because you don't need all those apps. Seriously, dude.

For all you gadget heads, mobile maniacs and tablet tornadoes allow me to give one bit of advice: Just because a person makes an app does not mean that you have download that app.

Apps Are Like Food

Just like food, you grab the apps that you like and that you actually need or can use. You don't around the grocery and start throwing food into your cart just because it's there or because someone else is buying it do you? Then why would you do the same thing with your apps?

I can't tell you the amount of times I've seen someone download an app and play with it for a while because it's cool only to start collecting electronic dust and take up gigabytes for the rest of the time because it never held any real value except its initial novelty and "neatness." I've done it. Heck, I still don't use my Android QR scanner app, but I've convinced myself that someday it will come in handy or save my life.

Get YOUR apps when YOU need them

I think that this is best strategy for getting apps. Don't download one just because your friend has it and you think that it's the coolest thing ever. Remember, that air guitar is going to get on every last nerve in the office eventually and you don't want to be the target of the hate when it manifests.

As you find yourself in situations and you seem at a loss-then you can search the Android Market for an app that will help service your needs. There are apps like TripAdvisor, Facebook, Twitter, Fooducate, Pandora and your banking app that will come in real handy. Then there are others that you may use only once in a while like FlightTracker, World of Goo (it's a game and it's addicting!), and The Elf Advent Calendar.

And there are other apps that you'll have you don't really need or use, like my QR scanner. Those are the apps you don't really need.

Ken Muise is an Android Market fanatic and runs a blog which reviews Android Market apps.

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Cell Phone Safety Tips When Driving

The National Transportation Safety Board called this week for all states to prohibit drivers from using any cell phone - including hands-free devices. In the UK and other European countries cell phone use while driving has already been banned. Make a call while you're driving in England and you will be subject to a fine, do it in Holland and you'll get a hefty fine and possibly get locked up for two weeks.

Americans wouldn't stand for that encroachment on their liberty would they? It's been hard enough getting them to wear seat belts! But when you see the statistics for deaths and injuries due to cell phone use while driving, you can see why something needs to be done and no, the alternative is not to get a hands-free device, studies show that it makes no difference.

Why is this? Most people think that they can multi-task, in this case pay attention to the road and have a heated argument with someone at the same time. The human brain can only concentrate on one thing at once, multi tasking is possible but if you're doing five things at once, each task only gets 20% of your complete and undivided attention. This is a scientific fact.

Studies show that if a teenager is driving and talking (we dread to say texting) their reaction times are about the same as someone who is 70 years old. They don't react to brake lights, take longer to accelerate and get back into the flow of traffic, pedestrians become a serious risk and road signs glanced at (possibly) but it takes much longer for the information to sink in.

Cell phone use causes approximately 2,600 deaths and 330,000 injuries in the United States each year and an alarming proportion of those deaths and injuries are young inexperienced drivers.

It's not getting any better with the new technology either. We now have mini-computers in our hands. We can surf the web, check our emails, and text if we want to, all while going 70 mph. For me that also includes groping around for glasses so I can see what's going on! The difference is I pull over - I haven't had an accident in 40 years and I am not going to risk my life because my husband wants to know where the cheese is!

Next time you go to an electronics store take all your old cell phones with you and recycle them. As you drop each one into the box say a big thank you that you're still alive and you weren't one of those 332,600 killed or injured. When you leave buckle up and put your phone on silent, put on some music and concentrate on the road.

Learn more about recycle mobile options and recycle iPhone 3G 8GB ideas.

View the original article here

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Calling Cards - The Best Way to Make Cheap International Calls

While you are overseas and away from your family and friends, you often feel the urge to stay connected to your loved ones. However, it becomes a problem when you cannot afford the high calling rates associated with international calls. With the invention of callings cards, it has become very affordable to stay in touch with your family without worrying about what you will have to pay for it.

Although there are other options available for keeping in touch such as e-mails, social networking websites, and online chats, most of the users prefer using calling cards as the best way to make international calls. This helps them save a great deal on their hard earned money. Calling cards provide longer talk time at relatively low call rates than the other available options.

Moreover, these cards not only enable you to make cheap international calls but you can also send messages to your loved ones at extremely reasonable rates.

Types of Calling Cards

Thus, there are two basic types of calling cards available. These include the postpaid and prepaid calling cards. With post paid cards you can make as many calls you want to without any interruptions. However, you are requires to make payments at the end of the month or after a certain period.

In the case of prepaid cards, you can only avail the services till your credit limit allows you too. If you wish to continue using the services you must get your credit recharged and buy more talk time. You can easily recharge your credit whenever you need to make more calls. In this way you actually pay before using the services. This helps you to control your expenses and limit your budget in making international calls.

How Do They Work?

You can easily buy calling cards over the Internet where you can also compare the price and services offered by various card companies. Once you have placed the order, things get very simple. As soon as you make the payment you will receive a confirmation message along with a PIN code. This unique PIN code will actually enable you to make international calls.

Once you have dialed the PIN number from your mobile phone or landline, the next step is to dial the destination number along with the country code. As soon as you do this, your connection will be established. Thus, it is very clear from these steps that the process is very simple and does not even require you to visit any departmental store to shop a calling card. All you need is to have access to the Internet and you can do everything online. This will save your money as well as your time.

Get Calling Card and International Calls related information at Cardcall.com.au

View the original article here

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Samsung Galaxy W

The Samsung Galaxy W is one of the most solid performing mid range smart phones out there at the moment. Samsung have been known to create amazing high end smart phones such as the Galaxy S2 and the Galaxy Nexus, but you don't really hear much talk about their mid range products. The Samsung Galaxy W looks like it could be one of the best mid range smart phones going, this is because it has all the Android offerings which are used in the Galaxy SII but at a lower cost.

The Samsung Galaxy W has the same Android features which are featured on all other Android smartphones, such as the Android Marketplace where you have access to a huge library of games and apps. If you have had an android phone before you will be able to easily get used to this phone in no time at all; and if you are new to the operating system, it is also really easy to get used to. One of the most compelling things about an Android phone is the ease of use, and the Samsung Galaxy W is possibly one of the easiest phones I have ever used.

The phone includes an impressive 1.4 GHz processor so you can perform tasks quickly and effectively. You will be able to load and operate content a lot faster than most mid range phones out there at the moment. This phone also comes with Wi-Fi and HSDPA so you can browse the internet from this phone with great speeds; you will never be without the internet.

This wouldn't be a Samsung phone without an amazing design, and it hasn't fallen short as there is an incredible 3.7" touch screen display where you can view your photos, videos and games in high definition. This phone is great regardless if you are looking for a business phone or a phone for pleasure as the Samsung Galaxy W makes the best of both worlds. There are email, calendars and task applications, as well as social networking including Facebook and Twitter integration. You literally have everything you need at your fingertips.

Overall, of all the mid range smartphones on the market, this can do all the same jobs as the high-end phones, without compromising the hardware capabilities. The Samsung Galaxy W does perform extremely well for an Android phone, but it obviously doesn't compete with the top dogs such as the Galaxy S 2. If you are looking for a good smartphone without breaking the bank, this phone is certainly the one you're looking for.

To find out more about the Samsung Galaxy W, visit Foniacs.

View the original article here

Monday, May 21, 2012

How to Insert SIM Card in iPhone

iPhones are very sleek and stylish. They are the pioneers in the touch phone industry. Even though there are a number of other companies out there now who are making the touch screen phone but the iPhone still leads the market. A lot of people who have used a number of different phones are of the opinion that once you get used to the touch screen of iPhone you are kind of addicted to it. Shifting to another touch screen phone or going back to the world of phone key pads is not that easy.

Usually when we buy a phone we get the SIM card already inserted in it. A lot of people keep that same SIM and they change it only when they change their phone or when their expiry is out. However, still there are times when one might need to change the SIM card or remove it to check its serial number or for any other related purpose. In majority of the phones the SIM card is inserted under the battery. So in order to change it one needs to switch off the phone, remove the back cover, then remove the battery from its slot and then one can reach the SIM card jacket. Here again there are different styles of the SIM jacket which you need to operate accordingly and then the SIM can be removed.

However, in the case of the iPhone, there is no such process involved. You do not have to play around with the back cover and the battery in order to get to the SIM card. The process is quite simple and like everything else associated with the iPhone, this system too is quite sleek and stylish.

The only part that is similar to the rest of the phones in this process is the switching off the iPhone just like you have to do for any other phone. However, the similarity ends right there. Once you have switched off the iPhone, you need to look at the top surface of the phone where the main power button is placed. Along with the power button you will be able to see a tiny hole. Once you have spotted that tiny hole, you need to get a thumb pin or a common pin. By using any one of these pins you need to press lightly into this tiny hole. After this gently start to pull the pin out and you will see that you have removed the SIM jacket along with the pin. Change the SIM or whatever you wanted to do, place the SIM back in the jacket. Now make sure that the hole in the jacket is in alignment with the hole on the iPhone. Keeping this position in view you need to place the SIM jacket back into the slot from where you removed it. Once it is back in its place you will again be seeing a smooth surface on the top. Switch on the iPhone and your phone will be active again.

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Apps You Should Try This Christmas

Christmas is here! It's time to rejoice! And so get into mood and enjoy yourself! These few apps listed here would certainly help you in this. Try these apps and if you like them, gift them to your family and friends. Two of them are for iPhones, while one is for the Android devices. Let me introduce them.

Santa's Big Helper: Nine interesting Christmas apps are packed as one single iPhone app - Santa's Big Helper. It has Santa Tracker, The World Famous Patent Pending Elf Cam, Christmas Countdown, Elf Updates, Nice/Naughty List, Letters to Santa, Ask an Elf, Magic Compass and Christmas Sound Board. This app also provides a password protected key to parents to let them create a magical video for their kids. Without their knowledge parents can check their wish list, and set their naughty/nice status. Really a good idea! This app is the right choice to spread the magic of Christmas. I think Santa's Big Helper is a bit bulky (131 MB), so it takes time to download. This app is compatible with devices running iOS 5 or later and costs USD 0.99.

Christmasville: This game is called as "The Missing Santa ADVENTures". As you guess the players need to find the abducted Santa Claus. Users need to play the role of a reluctant Arthur Knight, who starts investigating the case. He meets bear, reindeer, the abdominal snowman, Supercow and Elf on his way. He could certainly find Santa, if he can collect all the clues, read Santa's encrypted notes and solve puzzles and riddles. This game has a unique combination of mystery and humor. However, one should accept that this game cannot be played repeatedly as it will lack the thrill after unfolding the mystery once. This app is compatible with the devices running iOS 3.1 or later. Christmasville costs USD 2.99. The Christmas is in danger; it is your turn to save it now.

Christmas Mahjong Free: This app presents the classic Mahjong game with the Christmas theme. The objective of the game is removing all of the tiles from the board. Players can remove only paired free tiles. The tile becomes free when there is no tile either to the left or right of it. This game is easy to understand, but it needs some skill to master it. Christmas Mahjong is compatible with the Android mobile phones and tablets. It has more than 20 game boards with varying levels of difficulty (casual to expert). This app needs Android 2.1 or later. There is also a deluxe version of this app available for US 0.99. Christmas Mahjong Deluxe has no ads.

As Christmas is around the corner, it is time for some good celebration. We have suggested some of the latest apps here. If you have smartphone or tablets, you can certainly try these apps.

Please let us know your feedback at Alpha Digits. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Author bio: Steve August is an Android app review expert and the Chief Editor of Alpha Digits (alphadigits.com), a website that publishes iPhone app reviews and iPad app reviews. Developers can contact him through Alpha Digits to get their apps reviewed.

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Various Facets of 3G Technology

There's no denying the fact that 3G has ushered in a new area in mobile phone technology. Customers have promptly jumped on to the 3G bandwagon and are investing in 3G mobile handsets. Cheap cell phones and cheap contract phones are incorporating this technology that has enabled even the commoner to derive its benefits.

For those still uninitiated, following are some of the facets of 3G technology.


People are able to execute innumerable functions, like sending data and information and acquiring them via wireless access, by using 3G technology. You can get data irrespective of your location and time. In fact, 3G provides the highest possible speed as against any earlier technology. You can access internet faster and enjoy better entertainment. You can also exploit the benefits of video calling due to the faster speed and make video calls to friends and family all across the world via video calling facility. The clarity and quality of these video calls that can be enjoyed even on cheap contract phones, is a boon for the common man.


You can use your mobile phone handset as a modem for your computer and use it to send and receive emails and other necessary documents. Downloading of games and songs are must faster with a 3G network than any older technology. The 3G technology allows very fast downloads. Hence, you require only a few minutes for downloading movie clips or albums.

Access to information

Accessing information on the internet is one of the most important features of the 3G technology. You can watch the latest news headlines, acquire data on weather, sports and economic issues. You can also watch live scores of an ongoing football match or your favorite sport. Viewing running or streaming videos on a 3G mobile phone is no problem at all because of the enhanced bandwidth and better connectivity.

Higher Speed

Equipped with 3G technology, you can enjoy a higher data transmission speed, up to 2 Mbps, even on cheap cell phones. But for this, you must have the handset in a stationary position. Besides giving a high degree of network connectivity, a 3G mobile phone also resists interrupted data transmissions. The technology comprises of enhanced bit rate and allows service providers to offer high-speed internet connectivity to their customers even on a cheap contract phone handset. The customer can also avail high-speed internet facilities, high call volumes and a host of multimedia applications. All these services can be offered to the customer based on the quantity of data being transmitted and not the time spent for the service. In the long run it'll be cheaper for the customers.


The advent of cheap mobile phones, comprising 3G facilities, has substantially brought down the cost of the technology. What was once considered to be the domain of only the rich is today available at a more reasonable price. The cost of availing 3G services is further set to plummet with even major mobile phone manufacturers introducing 3G capable cheap cell phone handsets.

Select from a wide range of 3G smartphones, attractive smartphones deals, cheap handsets & economical call plans.

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How to Download Free Animated Backgrounds to Your Mobile Phone

Many people today use free animated backgrounds to their mobile phone. The animated background covers various themes, from nature, animals, cartoon, music, lifestyle and many more. You can also send the animated backgrounds to your friends and family such the birthday theme one as a gift. However, not all mobile phones can receive and send the backgrounds, as you will need smart phone to be able to do so. This should not be a problem as more and more people today choose smart phone over the basic ones.

Now the question is, how do you get the free animated backgrounds for your mobile phone? There are few steps you can do. First, you need to go online by accessing Internet on your computer. Your computer therefore should connect to the Internet. Search the free animated download sites on the search engine.

Simply enter the keyword such as "free animated backgrounds for mobile phone". Go to the website offering the free backgrounds. On the website, test the
animation by clicking the play button. You can see how the animated background will come out on your phone. After you decide the one you like, download it by clicking "Download Animation" or "Get Animation". The next steps you have to do are entering your number and get the animation sent. However, sometimes there are animations that cannot be downloaded for free. If it turns out you have to pay for the animation, you can proceed or simply cancel it by choosing other animation that is free. When you are done with the download step, the animation will be sent to your mobile phone in multimedia message service format. Open the MMS to view it and save it so you can use it as your phone screen background. If you do not save it right away after you open it you might accidentally delete the MMS and have to repeat all the steps.

The free animated backgrounds can also be sent to your friends or family as a gift. All you have to do is following all the steps above, but enter your friends or family mobile phone number, so the animation will be directly sent to their phones. However, they might think the animation in the form of MMS is a scam and might delete it right away. Thus, you must let them know before the gift to their mobile phone. The better idea is by downloading the animation to your mobile phone first and then sending it as MMS to their mobile phones, so they will know it is from you.

Downloading free animated backgrounds to your mobile phone is very exciting. There are many themes to choose and you can also send the animations as a gift.

View the original article here

Friday, May 18, 2012

Things to Look for in an Android Phone

Even a couple of years ago, when you talked about an Android phone, people would raise their eyebrows, wondering what on earth you were talking about. The scenario, however, has changed a lot these days. Android cell phones have become overwhelmingly popular because of their attractive, powerful and user-friendly features. However, like any other cell phone, an Android phone is not all similar. Each handset comprises a different set of features as an Android mobile phone has a open-natured platform.

So, anytime you decide to buy an Android phone, keep the following things in mind so that you can buy the best phone within your budget.


Most of the major service providers or carriers offer Android mobile phones. Choosing the right service provider is perhaps a more important task than selecting a specific type of phone. This is because, even when you own the best Android phone, it's unlikely to be of any use if your carrier gives a lousy service. Remember that even the biggest carrier may have a few dead spots in some coverage areas. Identifying such dead spots is the key to your Android phone purchase as you're unlikely to buy a device which offer poor signal strength in the area you live. You can ask your friends about the best carrier. You can also ask a service provider to give you a trial offer so that you can check out the service. If you're unsatisfied, you can return it.

4G service

This is another important thing to consider when you decide to buy an Android handset. Several service providers offer a high-speed 4G connection. This is very essential as Android mobile phones were the first devices to run the 4G network. Purchasing an Android device that has not 4G connection is almost like buying no Android phone at all.


While the design of an Android phone may not be an important aspect when compared to its features or functionality, many buyers still consider it while buying a mobile phone. Such buyers prefer a phone that's fashionable and stylish. Some buyers are more practical and want the Android phone to complement their present lifestyle. For instance, those who are constantly traveling between two places would want a handset that offers more portability than a heavy or a bulky one. Besides, you would also want to have a look at the keypad of the phone. While some handsets offer full QWERTY keypads, others may be full touch screen devices that don't require a keypad at all. While a touch screen device undoubtedly looks suave, it's unlikely to offer the ease of usability that a cell phone with a full keypad is likely to offer. Other design aspects of the phone include the screen size and its resolution. Several Android phones have big screens measuring above 4 inches while many others have a smaller screen. Whatever it may be, the resolution must be clear and crisp.

Keep the above points in mind when you buy an Android phone.

Go for the cheap mobile phones, search cheap contract phones & cheap mobile phone deals.

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Things You Must Know About Smartphones

The craze for smartphones is at its height. Each day, almost all mobile phone companies are coming up with a new smartphone. People are lapping up each and every smartphone without knowing what to expect from such a phone.

Well, here are some things you must know about a smartphone.

Internet is the key

While it's usual for smartphones to come in several sizes, the internet is always the key. A smartphone sans internet is akin to a hamburger without the ham. As of now, over a quarter of the smartphone users rarely access internet from anywhere else other than their smartphone. Experts have projected that by the end of 2013, the smartphone would be the primary device to be used by people for accessing the internet and it will overtake the laptop and the personal computer in this regard. If your smartphone lacks internet, contemplate buying a new one.

Power is precious

Even if you make only a few calls from your phone, several cheap smartphones run low on battery beyond 24 hours. While the features of a phone usually attract the most attention, the capacity of the battery isn't given much importance. More and more smartphone users are carrying their battery chargers with them even while going to work. Playing games or watching videos would drain the battery quickly. Avoid these if you want far more important things to do with your smartphone.

Call quality depends on the design

You would be certainly amused if you saw a photo of an early mobile phone with a giant antenna protruding from the back. Even cheap smartphones, these days, have eliminated the necessity of an antenna which is comprised within the device itself. However, several ergonomically designed phones often fall short in their call quality because of the aesthetics that short-changes the function of the antenna.

Most applications get boring fast

Depending upon the operating system of your smartphone, there could be hundreds of applications available over the internet. In fact, an average cheap smartphone user normally downloads 4-5 new applications each month. Studies have revealed that a majority of these applications, a whopping 91 per cent, are used less than 10 times and are mostly forgotten. Be selective about the applications you download and delete those that you use rarely. This would save space as well as battery life.

Privacy is thin

The worst part of a smartphone is that very little information contained in its memory is actually kept private. Though the policies of the service providers and the internet often differ, most of them comprise a provision for accessing the information of their users from any corner of the world.

There are viruses for smartphones

Though their numbers could be many times less than that of a personal computer, smartphone viruses do exist. However, the vast number of smartphone viruses usually attack modified or jail-broken handsets. Nevertheless, virus attacks on regular and cheap smartphones are increasing in number.

While the above points may not be sacrosanct for each and every smartphone, it's advisable to keep them in mind while buying a handset.

Select from a wide range of 3G smartphones, attractive smartphones deals, cheap handsets & economical call plans.

View the original article here

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Reasons to Choose a Prepaid Mobile Phone Connection

Mobile phones are no more objects of luxury. They are almost a necessity these days. Gone are the days when a mobile phone was spotted only in the hands of the rich. The advent of cheap mobile phones has enabled even the commoner to own a handset of his own.

Most people these days are choosing a prepaid connection for their mobile phones, as against any other type. In fact, there are more numbers of prepaid customers than post-paid customers, anywhere in the world. Several mobile handset manufacturers even offer a free prepaid connection whenever you buy their handset.

Well, there are several reasons behind the ever-increasing popularity of prepaid mobile phone connections. Here are some of them

No hidden charges or fees

This is a very important reason, especially for cheap mobile phone buyers because most of them have a tight budget and they want to know how much they would spend behind their phone every month. A more or less fixed amount would enable them to include it in their monthly budget. If you want to purchase a cheap phone, go for a prepaid connection as you won't have any worries every month about how much you'll be charged. You won't have any fear about hidden fees that may be levied on your post-paid bill.

You have full control

When you go for a prepaid connection, you have complete control over all aspects of a mobile phone. It's you who decides how much money you intend to pay for your talk time, when you want to buy a new handset, how often you would recharge your prepaid plan and when you want to upgrade your plan. There's no waiting time involved in incorporating any of the above plans. They can be done almost instantaneously. As a prepaid customer you can do whatever you like with you phone and don't need to stick to any rigid scheme.

No changes sans your consent

One of the most important reasons behind the popularity of a prepaid mobile phone connection is that no change to the plan would ever be made without the subscriber's consent. Several post-paid mobile phone service providers are notorious for not informing their customers about changing their plan. There's no such worry involved in a prepaid connection. The plan will be changed only when you want it to.

The prepaid mobile SIM card

The prepaid SIM card will be there for posterity even when you change your handset. You can insert the SIM into any handset as there's no rigidity that you have to use the SIM in only a particular type of handset, as is the case with several CDMA phones.

Knowing the above reasons, you would surely want to go for a prepaid connection whenever you want to buy a mobile handset. Moreover, you can discard your prepaid SIM if you are not happy with the services being offered and buy a new prepaid connection. With mobile number portability now freely available, you can retain your number as well.

Take you pick from attractive cheap mobile phones, cheap contract phones & get an economical prepaid connection.

View the original article here

'Smart Connector' could save millions in lost revenue

Deterioration and damage to cellular telecommunications cables cost organizations and customers millions in lost revenue and services in the always-on digital economy. A new sensor device, smaller than a quarter, might alleviate some of the impact.

Researchers at Rochester Institute of Technology and PPC Corp. have developed the Smart Connector, a new sensor that once installed in the connecting units of coaxial cables can provide information about equipment damage and pinpoint the exact location through self-diagnosing technologies -- some of the most advanced in the field today.

The sensor is one outcome of corporate research and development initiatives established at RIT that have grown over the past few years. The university and PPC Corp. signed a licensing agreement in June. Both parties are in the process of final testing and technology transfer, says Robert Bowman, professor of electrical and microelectronic engineering in RIT's Kate Gleason College of Engineering.

The university demonstrated the feasibility of the technology and is working with PPC to further test the manufactured product, Bowman explains. "It's one thing to conduct laboratory testing and demonstrate viability, it's another thing to get it into a product. PPC worked very closely with us during this research effort, and we'll work with them as they try to integrate this technology into their product line."

Bowman and his research group worked with Noah Montena, principal engineer at PPC, a Syracuse-based telecommunications radio-frequency, or RF, connector equipment company, to design the sensor-disc system. The system monitors the primary failure modes in RF cables. Each sensor-disc contains a unique site identifier, monitors critical conditions and reports the sensor status using a technique called back scatter telemetry. Each smart connector is capable of activating or powering-down its energy capacity by extracting miniscule amounts of radio frequency energy from the coaxial cables.

"This technology is really exciting, and the impact it could have on the industry is only just becoming apparent," says Montena. "Up until now, connector and equipment failures could be detected only after tower capacity had been diminished, and only pinpointed on-site with the system shut down."

The sensors have been designed from the beginning with simplicity, robustness and cost-effectiveness in mind, and one of the advantages of collaborating on the research has been the communication of manufacturing considerations as design decisions get made, Montena adds. "Beyond cellular connectors, it is easy to imagine this technology finding a place in other high value, or 'can't fail' applications such as communications or internal networks in spacecraft or aircraft. I look forward to uncovering all the possibilities."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Rochester Institute of Technology.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

SMS Short Code - Generate Interest and Sales Leads

SMS is no longer restricted to personal messaging. Today, it can instantly connect you to a group of people like colleagues, friends or family. On the commercial side it allows you to communicate efficiently with suppliers, dealers and various business associates. That is not all. There is yet another shade of SMS, called the Bulk SMS; the king of mobile marketing.

Choose ordinary gateway to send Cheap Bulk SMS for your marketing chores. Typically, premium gateways cost a little more. The choice is entirely yours. In either case the provider provides the setup, which includes web based software or desktop application. These entities also provide SMS credits for your marketing campaigns or you can buy them from resellers.

Some of the features and application areas of bulk SMS are mentioned below.

1. Bulk SMS is a cheap, efficient and reliable way to market your products and services.

2. The software that is used to send mass messages is easy to use.

3. It is one of the fastest growing marketing platforms, which utilizes internet technologies to do the tasks; without the use of native device such as mobile phone or other handheld instrument.

4. Typical application areas include; banking and stock trading companies, media and entertainment, educational institutes, insurance, travel and government entities.

Short codes are 5 or 6 digit numbers generally used for interactive tasks. SMS Short Code as the name suggests is used to send SMS; but it also allows people to send back their feedback or responses on the same number. Subscribers find it easy to remember these short numbers.

Some of the application areas include TV, radio and print. Reality television programs use short code to provide viewers with an option to vote for their favourite contestant. Radio shows use these codes for song requests and quiz contests. An SMS sent to these numbers are charged higher than national rates.

Short codes are available in two formats; shared or dedicated. A shared short code is utilized by many marketers while a dedicated short code is allocated to just one entity. Short codes work in tandem with keywords, which are useful in identifying different marketing entities.

Short code marketing boosts sales of products and services through promotions and interactive offers.

Mentioned below are some of the advantages of SMS short code.

1. A trendy way to generate interest and sales leads.

2. Innovative - You can create a buzz just days before the launch of a product with various feedback programs.

3. Cost effective and interactive SMS platform.

Advertising and marketing is a form of communication; it coerces audience to buy certain products or services. Avenues such as print, television, radio, and hoardings are passé. There are several reasons for their downfall; steep costs, lower than expected returns and time consuming process to develop campaigns.

On the other hand, bulk SMS is quick, cheap, and reliable. It does not require creative people or costly infrastructure. The complete setup is provided by SMS Gateway Provider.

As a marketer you just need to compose a catchy text campaign and send it to your customers with just a click of the button.

mVaayoo's Bulk SMS Services include bulk SMS gateway and Voice SMS that enables enterprises to communicate with target audience for SMS marketing.

View the original article here

Monday, May 14, 2012

Self-healing electronics could work longer and reduce waste

When one tiny circuit within an integrated chip cracks or fails, the whole chip -- or even the whole device -- is a loss. But what if it could fix itself, and fix itself so fast that the user never knew there was a problem?

A team of University of Illinois engineers has developed a self-healing system that restores electrical conductivity to a cracked circuit in less time than it takes to blink. Led by aerospace engineering professor Scott White and materials science and engineering professor Nancy Sottos, the researchers published their results in the journal Advanced Materials.

"It simplifies the system," said chemistry professor Jeffrey Moore, a co-author of the paper. "Rather than having to build in redundancies or to build in a sensory diagnostics system, this material is designed to take care of the problem itself."

As electronic devices are evolving to perform more sophisticated tasks, manufacturers are packing as much density onto a chip as possible. However, such density compounds reliability problems, such as failure stemming from fluctuating temperature cycles as the device operates or fatigue. A failure at any point in the circuit can shut down the whole device.

"In general there's not much avenue for manual repair," Sottos said. "Sometimes you just can't get to the inside. In a multilayer integrated circuit, there's no opening it up. Normally you just replace the whole chip. It's true for a battery too. You can't pull a battery apart and try to find the source of the failure."

Most consumer devices are meant to be replaced with some frequency, adding to electronic waste issues, but in many important applications -- such as instruments or vehicles for space or military functions -- electrical failures cannot be replaced or repaired.

The Illinois team previously developed a system for self-healing polymer materials and decided to adapt their technique for conductive systems. They dispersed tiny microcapsules, as small as 10 microns in diameter, on top of a gold line functioning as a circuit. As a crack propagates, the microcapsules break open and release the liquid metal contained inside. The liquid metal fills in the gap in the circuit, restoring electrical flow.

"What's really cool about this paper is it's the first example of taking the microcapsule-based healing approach and applying it to a new function," White said. "Everything prior to this has been on structural repair. This is on conductivity restoration. It shows the concept translates to other things as well."

A failure interrupts current for mere microseconds as the liquid metal immediately fills the crack. The researchers demonstrated that 90 percent of their samples healed to 99 percent of original conductivity, even with a small amount of microcapsules.

The self-healing system also has the advantages of being localized and autonomous. Only the microcapsules that a crack intercepts are opened, so repair only takes place at the point of damage. Furthermore, it requires no human intervention or diagnostics, a boon for applications where accessing a break for repair is impossible, such as a battery, or finding the source of a failure is difficult, such as an air- or spacecraft.

"In an aircraft, especially a defense-based aircraft, there are miles and miles of conductive wire," Sottos said. "You don't often know where the break occurs. The autonomous part is nice -- it knows where it broke, even if we don't."

Next, the researchers plan to further refine their system and explore other possibilities for using microcapsules to control conductivity. They are particularly interested in applying the microcapsule-based self-healing system to batteries, improving their safety and longevity.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

Benjamin J. Blaiszik, Sharlotte L. B. Kramer, Martha E. Grady, David A. McIlroy, Jeffrey S. Moore, Nancy R. Sottos, Scott R. White. Autonomic Restoration of Electrical Conductivity. Advanced Materials, 2011; DOI: 10.1002/adma.201102888

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

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'Nanoantennas' show promise in optical innovations

Researchers have shown how arrays of tiny "plasmonic nanoantennas" are able to precisely manipulate light in new ways that could make possible a range of optical innovations such as more powerful microscopes, telecommunications and computers.

The researchers at Purdue University used the nanoantennas to abruptly change a property of light called its phase. Light is transmitted as waves analogous to waves of water, which have high and low points. The phase defines these high and low points of light.

"By abruptly changing the phase we can dramatically modify how light propagates, and that opens up the possibility of many potential applications,"said Vladimir Shalaev, scientific director of nanophotonics at Purdue's Birck Nanotechnology Center and a distinguished professor of electrical and computer engineering.

Findings are described in a paper to be published online on Dec. 22 in the journal Science.

The new work at Purdue extends findings by researchers led by Federico Capasso, the Robert L. Wallace Professor of Applied Physics and Vinton Hayes Senior Research Fellow in Electrical Engineering at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. In that work, described in an October Science paper, Harvard researchers modified Snell's law, a long-held formula used to describe how light reflects and refracts, or bends, while passing from one material into another.

"What they pointed out was revolutionary," Shalaev said.

Until now, Snell's law has implied that when light passes from one material to another there are no abrupt phase changes along the interface between the materials. Harvard researchers, however, conducted experiments showing that the phase of light and the propagation direction can be changed dramatically by using new types of structures called metamaterials, which in this case were based on an array of antennas.

The Purdue researchers took the work a step further, creating arrays of nanoantennas and changing the phase and propagation direction of light over a broad range of near-infrared light. The paper was written by doctoral students Xingjie Ni and Naresh K. Emani, principal research scientist Alexander V. Kildishev, assistant professor Alexandra Boltasseva, and Shalaev.

The wavelength size manipulated by the antennas in the Purdue experiment ranges from 1 to 1.9 microns.

"The near infrared, specifically a wavelength of 1.5 microns, is essential for telecommunications," Shalaev said. "Information is transmitted across optical fibers using this wavelength, which makes this innovation potentially practical for advances in telecommunications."

The Harvard researchers predicted how to modify Snell's law and demonstrated the principle at one wavelength.

"We have extended the Harvard team's applications to the near infrared, which is important, and we also showed that it's not a single frequency effect, it's a very broadband effect," Shalaev said. "Having a broadband effect potentially offers a range of technological applications."

The innovation could bring technologies for steering and shaping laser beams for military and communications applications, nanocircuits for computers that use light to process information, and new types of powerful lenses for microscopes.

Critical to the advance is the ability to alter light so that it exhibits "anomalous" behavior: notably, it bends in ways not possible using conventional materials by radically altering its refraction, a process that occurs as electromagnetic waves, including light, bend when passing from one material into another.

Scientists measure this bending of radiation by its "index of refraction." Refraction causes the bent-stick-in-water effect, which occurs when a stick placed in a glass of water appears bent when viewed from the outside. Each material has its own refraction index, which describes how much light will bend in that particular material. All natural materials, such as glass, air and water, have positive refractive indices.

However, the nanoantenna arrays can cause light to bend in a wide range of angles including negative angles of refraction.

"Importantly, such dramatic deviation from the conventional Snell's law governing reflection and refraction occurs when light passes through structures that are actually much thinner than the width of the light's wavelengths, which is not possible using natural materials," Shalaev said. "Also, not only the bending effect, refraction, but also the reflection of light can be dramatically modified by the antenna arrays on the interface, as the experiments showed."

The nanoantennas are V-shaped structures made of gold and formed on top of a silicon layer. They are an example of metamaterials, which typically include so-called plasmonic structures that conduct clouds of electrons called plasmons. The antennas themselves have a width of 40 nanometers, or billionths of a meter, and researchers have demonstrated they are able to transmit light through an ultrathin "plasmonic nanoantenna layer" about 50 times smaller than the wavelength of light it is transmitting.

"This ultrathin layer of plasmonic nanoantennas makes the phase of light change strongly and abruptly, causing light to change its propagation direction, as required by the momentum conservation for light passing through the interface between materials," Shalaev said.

The work has been funded by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the National Science Foundation's Division of Materials Research.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Purdue University. The original article was written by Emil Venere.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

Xingjie Ni, Naresh K. Emani, Alexander V. Kildishev, Alexandra Boltasseva, and Vladimir M. Shalaev. Broadband Light Bending with Plasmonic Nanoantennas. Science, 22 December 2011 DOI: 10.1126/science.1214686

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Business Mobiles - A Great Tool for Efficient Business Management

Business mobiles, and the packages that come with them, must be chosen with a lot of care. The needs of your business are entirely different from others. Quite obviously, your specific business needs are different from others. The mobile package that you choose must meet your particular business needs precisely.

Business mobiles come with a variety of features but not all of them might be useful to you. You might want to use mobile for communications as well as exchange of various forms of information. Business packages are charged according to their usage or on a flat monthly rate. You must spend time understanding the packages, the usability and the applications most needed for your type of business before you finalize on a handset or a package.

Business mobile phones can be a great time saver. You can communicate with your staff or managers across locations without the need to travel extensively to be physically present at sites and offices. Mobile phone manufacturers are quickly recognizing the need for designing phones that come in handy for businessmen for professional as well as personal applications. There are service providers who offer customized plans that are designed specifically for businesses so that they can share information across the globe effortlessly and exchange data without having access to a PC or laptop.

Business mobiles act as a good reminder service. You can store details about meetings, appointments and tasks that can sometimes be forgotten in the stress and strain of managing a business. You can get latest updates about sales from field staff on a daily basis, get stock positions, know location of sales executives and keep a tab on their targets and achievements without leaving the comfort of your office. Easy accessibility to your entire staff time saving are two of the important features of a business mobile phone.

Mobile phones, with the right business features, can also be used to make bookings and schedule appointments. If you need to travel out of the city for an urgent business task, you need not depend on your travel agent to get bookings for flights and hotels. The web access facility allows you to book tickets online and get that favorite room in your preferred hotel reserved much before you take that flight out of the city. You can even receive updates about flight schedules to make optimum use of your valuable time.

Business mobiles can truly change the way you manage your business. It can help you become more organized and efficient both at office and home.

If you are already on a personal or business mobile phones contract and you are not happy, Confusedaboutmobiles look at buying you out of your current business mobiles contract and putting you with another network, with you getting to keep the same business mobile phone number. We develop solutions for companies who want to keep pace with technology and complexities associated mobile phones for business.

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Third Generation Cell Phones

Technology adopters do not usually pay attention to technological standards and protocols of the devices they are using. They might be thrilled by the excitement the specific gadget arises. That might be contented by the services the device provides. That is why it is surprising how a buzz word, related to a technology generations, such as the mobile phone network technology, 3G phone, has become so common, and well understood.

For the ordinary consumer of mobile phones, and smart phones, it does not make any difference which generation of mobile phone they are using, as long as it provides them the excitement, and convenience of using it.

But still there are many others out there that merely use the new technology, without understanding the technological differences compared to former generations.

Anyway, what has made the 3G technology so common? Let us try to simply describe and understand the meaning of it. The third generation of mobile phone technology consists of a collection of international technical standards, defined by many international standard institutes. This includes Application services, wireless communication, mobile TV, video conferences, and more, all in their mobile environment.

The first generation of mobile phones emerged during the beginning of the 1980s. Then the second generation (also called GSM) appeared in the market, 10 years later the third generation mobile network launched during the 2000 decade.

So the third generation is just another stage in the cellular phone technology that converts the cell phone from a regular phone device into a fully functional device with wide range of services, most suited for roaming and mobility. A fourth generation is about to come, naturally.

The main difference between the various generations of the mobile cellular network is the data rate and the security they provide to the users. The improvement of these basic services paved the way to full internet access, video conferencing, mobile TV, Video on demand, music download, picture transactions, gaming and TV broadcasting. The internet web protocols that are used by the third generation mobile network (IP), keeps the user hooked to the internet at all times, making home desktop computers, and even laptops, to some extent, redundant.

No wonder that most of the cell phone manufacturers compete for market share, and fight for gaining the users attention, by flooding the market with most innovative technology of mobile sets, every couple of months. Vendors like Nokia, Blackberry, Sonny Ericsson, HTC, Samsung, and more, are all involved in this market and push it to its edges.

The success of the 3G technology and the wide adoption by common users pushed the cell phone vendors to include various services within the cell phone, making them smarter and smarter. Applications and services related to mobility, such as GPS, maps, setting direction, and so on made their way into the smart phones.

The tight competition and the vast applications available for the 3G cell phones made this technology a great success in the market, reduced costs, made it available to all people, all over the world, grown up, as well as kindergarten kids.

More about cell phones, applications and accessories: My Cell Phone

Zion Shohet owns B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering, an M.Sc. degree in Interdisciplinary Engineering, and an MBA degree.

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Friday, May 11, 2012

iPhone 4, 4S Color Change: 3 Mistakes You Can Avoid

The iPhone 4 is black or white.

So you decide to take it out into the night and find someone to change the color, if the price is right - but what else should you know? Chances are good you're going to find an independent shop to change the color of your iPhone. We repair iPhones, iPods, and iPads. Here are 3 mistakes you can avoid.

Mistake # 1: Should you pay extra for OEM parts?

NO! First, what does OEM mean? It means Original Equipment Manufacturer. In other words, it means the parts were made by the company that made the original parts. What company would that be? Apple. Do you know Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple?

We recently listened to the Steve Jobs biography. Steve would never allow any of his parts suppliers to sell parts to anyone but Apple.

Mistake # 2: Where are iPhones and iPhone parts made?

All iPhone parts are from mainland China. Don't let anyone tell you their parts are made in the USA. We order our parts directly from China. After testing many suppliers, we have settled on one which provides parts just like the originals, down to the smallest detail. However, not all Chinese parts suppliers are as good. In our search for our current supplier, we were amazed at the bad fit of some of the parts from other Chinese suppliers.

The bottom line about parts?

The shop you pick should have an owner and / or technicians with iPhones, and one or more of these will have had the color changed, by changing the parts. Ask to handle one or more. Check for fit and finish by comparing those iPhones to your black or white iPhone. If you're happy with the fit and finish, chances are good you'll be happy with your phone after they change the parts. NOTE: If your iPhone is a Verizon phone, your color selection may be limited.

Mistake # 3: Don't pre-buy your parts, and check out your technician.

It may be tempting to buy the parts on the Amazon or elsewhere. Please don't. You need for the shop that will change the parts to have responsibility for the whole show.

Please check out the shop that will be doing the work. Check Google Places, and yelp. The shop you use should be a 4 Star at either place. If they are 3 Star at one, but 4 Star at the other, you're probably OK. It is extremely hard for small repair businesses to maintain ratings higher than this. Why? It is because there are enough people with other problems, running around in this society, who make it very difficult.

What should you do now?

If you have questions about changing colors on your iPhone or questions about your iPod, or iPad, please feel free to text us or call us by going to: http://www.itechrepairplus.com/


Kort and Scott Linden

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Mobile Phones for Business - Keeping Track of Events in Real Time

Mobile phones for business are as important as any other communication system available to deal with clients and business partners. It is common knowledge that an efficient communication system can often prove to be the backbone of a successful enterprise. With the advent of advanced technology, mobile phones are all set to play a critical role in the success of your business.

Companies are now focusing on building mobile phones for business that can bring about a radical change in the way you communicate with your business associates. The ability to communicate effortlessly across any distance and in real time is indeed a great feature made possible by using advanced telecommunications technology. However, there seems to be a distinct lack of awareness among new and upcoming businesses about the applications available in smart mobile phone sets. There can be many advantages of using mobile to manage various areas of your business.

Easy accessibility and ability to exchange information is the main advantage of using mobile for business purposes. It becomes easier for clients to talk directly to the concerned person instead of getting routed through boards and operators. With mobiles they will never be put on hold. Easy accessibility can be great for improving business prospects significantly. Accessibility also makes it easy for employees or partners to discuss matters that calls for immediate attention or when critical decisions have to be taken.

Mobile phones for business allow employees to exchange data between various locations. This paperless exchange of data is quick, happens in real time and is done with the highest levels of convenience. Data exchange is one of the fast developing applications for new generation mobile. It allows various branches of an enterprise spread across diverse locations to communicate effectively and manage different areas of business operations seamlessly.

Business mobile phones can keep you updated with records and information on a daily basis about projects happening at various locations. You can update records and manage data more effectively without having to take print outs, file copies or run after assistants. It also helps you read emails on the move. In today's business situation, email has become the most common mode of communication and correspondence. Smart phones come with email alerts and fax notification. You can read mails immediately and reply without having access to your laptop or personal computer.

Business mobile phones are clearly becoming an indispensible business tool. Choose the right mobile handset to make sure you have the best of features in them.

If you are running a business and want to SAVE YOUR MONEY from your business mobiles. Confusedaboutmobiles give you a FREE review which will include a full analysis of your business mobile phones contract communication needs.We develop solutions for companies who want to keep pace with technology and complexities associated with mobile phones for business.

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