

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

5 Productivity Ideas For Mobile Marketing Success

Success in mobile marketing requires not just expertise in your niche but also other traits some people ignore. For instance, confidence can endear you to clients. Getting your affairs organized will make you more productive. In addition, your networking skills can land you top-self mobile marketing clients. Here are five other factors you need to know.

1. Single-handling.

Stick to a project until it's 100% complete. It is never advisable to switch tasks in the middle. When something comes to your mind jot it down and refer to it later. This is an effective way doing it instead of making phone calls or Facebook posts in the middle of writing an article or email.

2. Perfection threshold.

Perfectionism is one of the factors that inhabit productivity. Write an article that looks insane. You build momentum and you can actually see how fast you write when you are not worried about anybody.

With a bad first draft you can now, with the same momentum, do a second better draft. The subsequent drafts will, keep improving. If you do this habitually you will improve your speed faster each time.

3. The 30 day habit law.

To be more productive, you need to form habits that increase your efficiency, save time and make you focused. If you currently don't write your following day's goals the previous day, try it for 30 days. If your working hours are erratic, try sitting on your desk the same time daily for 30 days. If you work with distraction, try sitting down for a minimum of 60 minutes working in this block of time each day.

There are many efficiency enhancing habits you need to form to stay unstoppable. You can reevaluate your life and see what habits you need to change.

4. Cross-pollination.

If you are observant enough and interact with other efficient companies, people, process or nations you will see many efficient performances. Online groups could introduce you to faster ways of saving pdf ebooks for easier of retrieval. A martial arts group could help you improve your personal exercise. Your local delivery person may introduce to you routes you can use to negotiate your town traffic faster. Cross-pollination ideas are endless for anyone with the desire to improve.

5. Optimization.

Everybody has routines when handling tasks. And people normally start the day in a certain way. They may start with task A followed by task B, C and D. On some day they may start with task B followed by A, C and D. What you need to identify is the combination that is optimal. In day-to-day activities you must use the processes that are most efficient. Possibly use a chair that makes you type faster or sit in certain angle which makes you think creatively.

To get fully optimized you will need to do several tests and be conscious to observe your feelings, output and other minor efficiency indicators that show your progress.

Mary Wilhite is a Mobile Marketing Specialist, also known as the Mobile Marketing Queen. Teaching small businesses, entrepreneurs, and internet marketers how to attract better customers with mobile marketing devices. Get more of her mobile marketing tips, tricks, and strategies today. Just click here http://marywilhiteblog.com/

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