

Sunday, April 1, 2012

4 Marketing Laws You Need To Know

Every market has laws that govern it. Some are written and others are not. Some are complex to understand while others are easy to follow. In most cases only a tiny proportion of the business community understands these laws. Here are four that may be of interest to you.

1. The law of leadership

This law says that being first is better than having a superior product.

People remember the first person, product or company but rarely do they remember the second. Most of us will tell you the first person to land on the moon but very few can remember who number two was. People remember the Wright brothers and their first plane but not many can tell who number two was

2. The law of parallels

This law says that when you are number two, your strategy is determined by the number one player. So the best thing to do is to avoid competing with the number one player. You either do something opposite or parallel to the number one player.

In real life this strategy is witness with Coke and Pepsi; where the Pepsi took a different strategy from the established Coke.

I think as a mobile marketer it would be wise to follow this strategy. The number one player determines the pace and direction of the industry. The best option would be to watch the competition but move in the opposite or parallel direction.

3. The brain law.

This law says that it is better to be number one in the consumer's brain than in the marketplace.

I think this concept is of critical importance. Consumers are consistent and if they place you number one in their minds, you remain so unless you don't want to. This means that gaining 'brainshare' is better than market share.

I think as a mobile service provider you can capture the minds of consumers by educating them, showing your apathy and understanding their needs. The only challenge is how do you measure mind share? It is difficult but, increase in the people who adopt your products could be an indication.

4. The Law of triumph

This law says that as a company achieves one triumph after another, it gets caught by a fatal disease of forgetting the customer which ultimately leads to failure.

It has been observed for years that success often creates arrogance. And arrogant people alienate customers quickly.

At the height of its success, General Motors was an arrogant company. And even when they had lost their success, they did not realize so. They went in private jets to Washington to beg for bailout. When asked why they didn't fly commercial, they said it was because of security reasons. These executives never realized that soon they would be out of employment and would have to take cabs or trains to move around.

This arrogance of the success bug can easily catch a mobile marketer. And the best way to avoid it is to maintain humility even when you are successful.

Mary Wilhite is a Mobile Marketing Specialist, also known as the Mobile Marketing Queen. Teaching small businesses, entrepreneurs, and internet marketers how to attract better customers with mobile marketing devices. Get more of her mobile marketing tips, tricks, and strategies today. Just click here http://marywilhiteblog.com/

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