

Sunday, March 18, 2012

5 Mobile Marketing Productivity Tips You Need To Know

Making more money does not necessarily mean working more hours. You can increase your output and so your income by being more efficient. You can raise your productivity and income by being focused. In addition, you can form good habits that automatically enhance your productivity. Apart from those factors, here are five specific tips you can use to boost your productivity.

1. Have daily goals.

Every day have a set of goals that bring you closer to your grand goals. May be as a mobile marketer you want to dominate your chosen niche of text message marketing. You will need to do something daily that moves you closer.

A goal that is written down is better than one that is in your mind. The mind thinks in pictures and when you write a goal down it brings conviction as more senses are involved when writing.

Keep your goals simple, realistic and attainable. This will require honest self-analysis that will help you estimate the time it takes to complete a task and the resources you require to do it.

2. Start with the toughest task first.

When you start with the toughest tasks you defeat procrastination and your day becomes a success. Small wins motivate you to conquer others.

Tough is relative and what's tough to someone may be easy to another. In addition, what is tough today may be easy 6 months from today after you are used to doing it. However, I think you know what is tough to you. To some people its writing articles, for others it calling customers, yet for others it is doing workout.

3. Maximize your peak times.

You need to identify your peak productivity cycles and schedule your most important tasks during this period. Minor tasks can be performed during off-peak times.

You may find that writing a newsletter to your clients is the most important task and that your peak time is morning 6:00 am to 9:00 am. What you need to do is write the newsletter during this period when your mind is fresh and alert. From my past experience, I have noticed that, most people's peak times are in the mornings. Therefore it would be unwise to reply emails or update your Facebook pages during your peak time if these are minor activities. It would also be wrong for you to watch an in-depth CNN coverage of an earthquake in Iran. This certainly can be done during off-peak seasons.

4. Learn to work in solitude.

Productivity is highest during long uninterrupted blocks of time working solo. Sometimes it is difficult to work in solitude especially for mobile marketers who work from home surrounded with their family members. However, success is about solving problems. And you can solve this by either working late in the night or early in the morning when everyone is asleep or locking yourself in a room for minimum 60 minutes.

This is especially important when you are doing key tasks that require concentration. Your clients will not understand that when you were writing them your 2-year old son was pulling your trousers and you failed change their names on the emails. Now John is receiving an email meant for Elizabeth.

5. Identify milestones.

You need to have small and big milestones on your work. A small milestone may be to write 1000 words. A big milestone may be to write a 150,000-word eBook. To boost productivity have a milestone that you work towards and you don't stop till you hit it. Once you pass the milestone you can reward yourself with a cup of coffee or a pat on your back.

Major milestones are a reason to celebrate. And your body will be anticipating clocking a milestone so as to be pampered. For instance, if you are able to write and finish a 150,000-word eBook and put it for sale, you can treat yourself for lunch when the money starts trickling in.

Mary Wilhite is a Mobile Marketing Specialist, also known as the Mobile Marketing Queen. Teaching small businesses, entrepreneurs, and internet marketers how to attract better customers with mobile marketing devices. Get more of her mobile marketing tips, tricks, and strategies today. Just click here http://marywilhiteblog.com/

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