

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Cell Towers As Part of Our Nation's Health Care Component?

Some folks are more sensitive than others are to the vibrational energy around them. There is lots of frequency pollution in our society and civilization, and more so each and every year. As the Federal Communications Commission grants more and more frequency allocations, soon there will be energy traveling at all the possible frequencies, and then I ask how can biological systems get a break, and how can they possibly evolve fast enough to handle such bombardment on every channel and on every frequency?

Yes, I dare to ask this question, and recently I had this discussion and discourse with a fellow intellectual thinker. After discussing several topics of interest around this same overall subject, I stated to my acquaintance; "okay back to the topics, I have several I have been mulling around in my head on the topic of biology for 5 or more years, perhaps your unclouded mind can assist."

Since we now have cell towers everywhere putting out microwaves, chances are it will have a biological effect, if low levels it could be okay, if higher levels very damaging, but what if we chose the perfect levels and it helped with healthcare, sickness, eradicating various bacteria, disease, viruses, or simply super-charged the immune system?

What if we used frequency cancelling like the stereo speakers which cancel out noise?

Could we take the frequency to a point where it would cause a robust and deep sleep, thus, improving health, and less sleep time, thus, more cognitive surplus, healthier people, and more productivity, and time for leisure too?

If we know the optimum needed for various good bacteria in our bodies and the cells of various organs in the human body, and if we know at which frequencies plant life grows better, then perhaps we can figure out a way to have more of that, and less of the damaging vibrational frequencies which can cause mutations, cancers, and promote diseases, viruses, and bad bacteria. And why wouldn't we work to understand these things better, and do the proper research to literally "tune" ourselves in?

You see, with all the knowledge, supercomputers, artificial intelligence, and research that we have going on in and around this subject, surely we can come up with the right combination to create a win-win for mankind and his environment, along with all the other species we rely on for our daily lives, food, and enjoyment. If we really cared about our environment, we would be thinking here. And therefore I ask that you please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net/

View the original article here

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