

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How To Keep Your iPhone Protected

As an iPhone owner there are a lot of things that you need to understand and the safety of your iPhone is one of those things. One of the biggest things that you need to worry about is keeping your iPhone safe. A lot of people forget that an iPhone is a very valuable piece of equipment and some people will just take them when they see them laying around. You should not only worry about somebody stealing your iPhone, you need to be careful as to what you do with it as well.

I know what you are thinking, "How tough can it be to keep an iPhone safe"? The reason most iPhones are not safe is because the owners of them tend to forget the most basic things to ensure they don't get wet, don't crack the screen or even to protect them from getting stolen. Being that most people think they know how to keep their iPhone safe, I am going to share with you the best and most basic ways to protect your phone at all times.

Methods To Keep Your iPhone Safe

Never Shower With iPhone - The biggest problem with showering with your iPhone in the room is that the steam gets inside the phone and will cause rust and corrosion of the parts. If you are set on taking your phone into the bathroom with you every time you go, then I recommend putting a shirt or something over the top of is so that no moisture gets to it.

Put Screen Cover On - The best part about a screen cover is that it will protect your phone from scratches and minor cracks. The reason this helps is because the thicker the front screen is, the harder it has to fall to actually crack. Something else I suggest is that you face the screen inwards towards your body when it is in your pocket. The entire reasoning behind this is to eliminate accidental cracking due in part to running into corners or getting up from tables too quickly.

Lock Your Phone - One of the things that a lot of people do infrequently is lock their phone and this is a very easy thing to do. Locking your phone is one way to ensure that your phone isn't taken. What normally happens is if an iPhone is locked the person who has it will just put it down and not even bother with it. Trust me, locking your phone is easy and it works.

Now that you know a bunch of different ways to keep your phone safe, I highly recommend that you do. Don't just think that nothing can happen to your phone because you take care of it because most of the problems are causes by basic mistakes.

Whether you received a free iPhone or you paid for it, you still need to protect it. Trust me, just because there are iPhone 4 deal out there, you should never have to buy another phone due to lack of protection.

View the original article here

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