

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Can You Recycle Your Cell Phone?

Did you know that the pollution rate increases at five percent every year? Did you know that is partially due to the 500 million cell phones every year that are not recycled with a growing 130 million per year?

Recycling your phone for one thing is tax deductible. Whether it still works and can be donated to someone who needs it, or it can be sent in to be recycled, your one cell phone can help drastically. All of the metals that are combined to make up the cell phone pollute the air, soil and water and are killing off plants and animals at a rapid rate.

Think about it, the battery, the charger, the accessories and all the pieces of the phone whether it is metal glass or plastic can be recycled. Each different piece can be separated into their own special pile and melted down with a bunch of other pieces of its kind. The phones sometimes can be refurbished and reused by those in need but if they can't then they can go through the recycling process of melting down and reusing in new products. All useable material is disposed of in a non harmful way to the environment.

The environment suffers from all of the e-waste that we put in it. So many people are storing up old electronics that just sit in their closets and drawers that will one day throw them out. When that happens the entire earth is going to suffer from it. If everyone threw away their electronics all at once as it all exists right now then we would completely destroy the earth.
Cell phones can even be taken apart and certain parts can be used to make new cell phones. Other materials will still be recycled even if some of the parts of a cell phone are used while others are not useable. The hazardous waste will not be sent to solid waste landfills or incinerators.

The workers are protected too. They are given equipment and mandatory protective gear to shield them from any harmful waste that might come in contact with their body and lungs. These companies are careful of their workers as well.

Your cell phone can be picked up from your house, delivered by you or you can even send it in the mail. Find a recycling plant in your area that can help you pitch in and do your part to save the earth.

View the original article here

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