

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Wholesale Cell Phone Accessories: Saving for the Rainy Days

Have you come across a situation that placed you in a bad light as a reseller? Has it happened to you wherein a potential buyer eventually went out of your store or closed the page of your website because what he or she was looking for was unavailable in your shop? If you are a reseller of cell phone accessories, then the answer is more likely a yes.

Losing a customer or a myriad of customers is the biggest nightmare a reseller can have. What could have been computed as dollars suddenly turned into ashes. This is a normal event if you are a businessman but at the same time, this can also be prevented. Come up with a plan that will address this potential problem and prevent recurrence in the near future.

Be prepared. It wouldn't hurt to be ready for anything that might be needed in the days to come. Being prepared could also mean a lot of things to a reseller. This could be interpreted as having a wholesaler that will guarantee you consistency in providing the stocks that you need for your store, whether it is offline or online. Being prepared could also mean that you need to have an adequate number of stocks even if you don't intend to sell them yet, or it is not yet going to be on the shelves of your store.

Consistency in having available stocks has a big dependency on the wholesaler or distributor. If you have an agreement with your supplier that stocks will be replenished on a regular basis, but you experience shortage in supplies still, then it is high time to change strategies. Consider increasing the maximum order that you set with your wholesaler. Adding the frequency of delivery might only cause you an amount higher than what you could afford in terms of expenses, and your wholesaler has to adjust again to this new request. Chances are, your wholesaler might not even agree with your terms so it would still be best to maintain the frequency of delivery but increase the maximum order per delivery. This way, you did not alter the delivery strategies of your wholesaler.

When you increase your order, this should not mean that all these items should be disposed at a certain period of time. It is similar to a savings account. You save 10 per cent of your salary for the rainy days and without it, you will end up not having anything at all in serving your customers. Always have a positive outlook that a time will come when your business rivals will not have what you currently have in your storage room and when this happens, you don't only make your customers happy but you also foster loyalty among buyers and potential buyers as well.

Buying more might also mean saving more for the rainy days. One can never really tell when this is going to happen. Observe which accessories need special attention and the time will come that you will consistently make your customers happy because of your efficiency in providing stocks to your customers.

Wireless Association is an online marketplace where you can find wireless industry association recommended wholesale cell phones

View the original article here

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