

Monday, January 23, 2012

Mobile - A Boon or A Bane?

Technology is one of the best wonders in our lives. We are living in the world of changing technology. As days are passing by the technology is developing and growing at an alarming rate. And we need to get accompanied with this changing technology. As it makes our lives faster, easier and saves our valuable time. One of the best gifts by technology is telecommunication, and that too wire free telecommunication. Yes, I'm talking about the very commonly and largely used telecommunication device called mobile.

One of the most common word & communicative electronic device that most of us have heard & seen is, 'Mobile Phone / Mobile / Cell Phone / Hand Phone, used for voice, text & data communication. Can be easily carried in our pockets to any corner of the world, easy to use, not only but also communication can take place anywhere in the Universe with the help of this wonder gadget. In the modern era, this is commonly observed with youngsters. It has become a part of living for most of us.

Everything has its own advantage(s) and disadvantage(s). Scientists invent or discover things for a good reason. But, as time passes by people start utilizing it in negative ways. Then it turns out to be a disadvantage instead of an advantage. Similarly mobile has many advantages than disadvantages. If we start using it for good reasons, then there would be lest disadvantage(s).

As in it help us to communicate with any one from anywhere wirelessly. We can carry this device anywhere very easily due to its light weight; it is easy to use & cost effective too. We can do text messaging from this device, which is not possible from a telephone. Not only this but also, we can send pictures, videos, shoot pictures and videos and surf internet via mobile. It can also be used for entertainment purpose, as we can listen to songs and radio, watch videos etc.

It turns out to be disadvantage when people try to use it for spreading vulgar, or try to use it for monkey business, or try to cause privacy problems and so on. Symptoms caused by the radiation of mobile phones are one of the most argued problems. Many scientists believe that the radiation from the mobile phones may cause the users to have different symptoms such as headache, earaches, blurring of vision and even causing cancer. Though, these problems can be reduced. If we reduce the usage of mobile phones if it is possible.

Because of the developing technology in the field of telecommunication there has been ample of job opportunities throughout the globe. As many companies are spreading their telecommunication business making doors open for jobs in various segments. Thus, due to some people and few incidents we cannot say the device is of disadvantage or it has more disadvantages in comparison to its advantages. I believe each one of us should think from a positive aspect and take what is good. Also make use of technology for a better life and not to create nuisance.

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