

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Electronic Devices In 3D

There are so many different kinds of electronic devices, it seems like every time you turn around there is something that is a new, must have device. The worst offender of them all are the cell phone manufacturers and cell phone providers. It is like they just want you to have to buy their new model phone every time your contract is up. Nobody just puts all of the good ideas into one phone and then stops; they are always looking for the next thing to cram into the tiny device.

At least the trend of making phones smaller and smaller is over. Grown men can use the devices without fear of dropping them or not being able to use them because they were getting so tiny. They were getting so small, mine kept getting lost in my pocket. But the bigger point is that technology doesn't ever stop and every year there are so many innovations and improvements, it can be difficult for a non technophile to keep up with it all.

One of the newest craze that the providers are trying to push on us is 3D. You see 3D at the movies and on your televisions at home and even on your gaming systems. Now there is 3D on your phone. You read that correctly, 3D on your phone. It may not have seemed necessary, and maybe it isn't, but was 3D on your television really needed? Was a triple-decker cheeseburger really necessary? Are giant tire on a 4x4 so that it can crush other, smaller cars necessary? Of course not, but along with a triple cheeseburger and monster trucks, a 3D phone is just plain awesome.

Why have 3D phones? Because you can, that's why. Not only can you watch certain 3D enabled video, you can take 3D photos as well. Imagine going on your family vacation and being able to whip out your phone and take cool 3D pictures for your digital scrapbook. Imagine being at the beach and getting that perfect shot of the kids playing in the water-IN 3D!

Imagine taking a photo of your girlfriend riding an awesome roller coaster-IN 3D! The point is that it literally adds another dimension to you photos and video that you can watch on your phone without the need for special 3D glasses. The technology is evolving so quickly, and 3D might be a fad, but you have to admit-it is pretty awesome.

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View the original article here

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