

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

6 Tips For Hiring The Right Web Designer Every Mobile Marketer Must Know

Sometimes it is a challenge getting the right professional to hire. Hiring a web designer is no better. First, it is not easy to decide beforehand what to look before awarding the contract. Even when one knows the things to look for it is difficult getting answers upfront. And this causes most people in mobile marketing to flounder. It is however, absolutely essential that every mobile marketer gets it right the first time when hiring a web designer. Here some tips.

Tip # 1: Your goals

You must know what you want. This is what will help you get the right designer. What expectation do you want to meet with your website? If you can answer this question then, it will be easier to narrow down on the mobile web designer who can meet your targets.

Tip # 2: Your budget

It goes without saying that the more experience a designer has the more his fees. On the other hand, it may be unwise to give your nephew the job for $200. You must balance between a professional looking website and cost especially if you are beginning. But one thing every mobile marketer must remember is: you will always get what you pay for.

Tip # 3: Your deadline

A good-looking website may take time to design. If you need a website tomorrow, then you may have to compromise on a number of things. That notwithstanding, getting a web designer who has multiple projects on his plate may not be the best idea as it may take you months before your site is live.

Tip # 4: Core Values of the designer.

A designer who shares your belief system is better than one who does not. What do I mean be this? Let me illustrate with two examples. One, if you are designing a Christian website it may be unwise to hire a confessed atheist homosexual. Secondly, if you are designing a website for a democratic lobby group it would be wise to hire a democrat. This may require you to dig deeper to get the core principles of designer before hiring.

Tip # 5: Check portfolio

A web designer's portfolio says a lot about his work. Spend time reviewing the websites that the potential designer has worked on. Determine if the style and taste matches what you are looking for. As a mobile marketer, you should always remember to never hire in a hurry.

Tip # 6: Talk to past clients

Past clients will tell you the experience they had with the designer. This can help you make an informed decision. Remember to ask questions intelligently. If the so-called clients have been coached or are nonexistent you will know.

Mary Wilhite is a Mobile Marketing Specialist, also known as the Mobile Marketing Queen. Teaching small businesses, entrepreneurs, and internet marketers how to attract better customers with mobile marketing devices. Get more of her mobile marketing tips, tricks, and strategies today. Just click here http://www.easymobilepaycheck.com/mobile-blueprint/

View the original article here

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